chapter 3 part 2

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  It was 8:30pm when all the students all arrive to the school for prom.  Some waited inside others waiting outside with Umbrellas because it more comfortable outside upon this very night then inside.

The rain officailly pours down as umbrellas are all up and students are under them.  Men held their partners umbrella for them, while others hold their own umbrellas, not caring they don't need no person to hold their umbrella for them.  Mckenna and Foresta shared the big umbrella together that Foresta has brought for them to share because they knew it be rainy tonight.

Mckenna: i rather be out here enjoying the warm spring night then in the school.

Foresta: same here.  Hey did you find anything about you birth family Mckenna?

Mckenna: yeah i found out my birth mother was a women that went by Esme Cullen who was married to Carisle Cullen a.k.a Dr. Cullen. The Dr.  Cullen we use to always go to for check ups and all till the moved to Forks,  Washington and adopted kids names Alice Cullen, Edward Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, and Rosalie Hale, and it turns out i got a niece named Reneesme

Foresta: Reneesme a mix of the names Rene and Esme right?

Mckenna: yep your right.  So what about you Forest?

Foresta: *takes Mckenna to a secluded and private area away from everyone else and explains everything to Mckenna*

Mckenna: really,  damn what are you gonna do?

Foresta: nothing i can do, when the time is right then i will figure it out.

Mckenna: okay, i will be right next to you and who knows maybe we both meet our birth familias.

Foresta: well maybe the father by like i said my mother Phoenix died giving birth to me so i can't meet here even though i really want to

Mckenna: *hugs Foresta* it will be okay.

Foresta: *smiles* we should get back is my makeup running?

Mckenna: no is mine?

Foresta: No let's go *heads back to the school and waits outside for the buses to arrive to take them away to their prom.*

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