🌙 Where The Mountain Meets The Moon: Part 1.2 🌙

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Something changed in Moon that day.

Something that would change her forever.

Qibli was going to odds you'd never thought he'd go to.

This wasn't Qibli.

Moon couldn't belive it. No, she didn't want to.

Moon had feelings for Qibli. She liked him. A lot. She loved him, just not the way he wanted her to.

She loved him like a brother.

Now, where did she remember hearing about the mountain that met the moon?

🐢 Turtle 🐢

"Do you believe in that stuff?" Kinkajou asked.

Turtle was fidgeting with his bracelet.

"It's okay if you do," Kinkajou said. More color came into her scales. "I trust you. You can say anything. Even if it sounds weird."

Turtle smiled. They leaned in and wrapped their wings around each other, and Turtle watched as her  yellow scales turned into pink in some places. Three moons, RainWings were beautiful. Especially this one.

"When do we go?" Kinkajou exclaims, beaming. You can practically see the adreniline in her. She's stoked.

"First, get me some paper."

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