On the Other Side

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Note: this chapter is at the castle and with the paladins so if you just want Keith or Lotor this might not be your favorite chapter.

3rd p.o.v.(at the castle)
Each of the paladins where doing their own thing when Pidge called a meting so they all went to the control room they all sat in their chairs as Pidge and Allura stood in front. Allura looked annoyed and angry
"I want all of you to be honest because my hole theory depends on your answer,"Said Pidge
"Is everything ok,"Asked Shiro it was rear to hear Shiro talk he has been so quiet sense Keith left
"Everything is fine at the castle but I'm scared for someone else, did any one see Keith
leave?"Asked Pidge, but anyone could tell she was neves
"No,"Said the rest of the paladins and Coran
"Ok,did anyone know that a another ship landed on the planet we were on the night before Keith supposedly left,"Asked Pidge
"There was, but how did the castle not pick on that,"Asked Coran
"This is not the castle fault!!"Yelled Allura
"It doesn't matter who's fault it is!! I have reason to believe that Keith didn't leave on his own but was taken," Pidge voice was shaky at the last part.
"Why should we care he is a Galra the less we have to fight the better,"Calmed Allura
"How can you say that Allura,Cried Shiro, he was still a Paladin of Voltron and you kick he out we were fine with the fact he was part Galra!!"
"Calm down! why don't we check the cameras in Keith room," suggested Lance
"That is right, said Coran I haven't looked in Keith room in a little bit"

All of the paladins gathered to the middle of the room with the screen, and Coran pulled up the footage. They were all shocked at what they saw

Keith was in his room crying in the corner of his room. He was like that for a good few minutes, than he got up and went though his bag when he was done he went to bed. But not too long after a figure in a hood came in to his room. They pick up Keith and left.

Twisted mind  (Keith x Lotor).   (Art not mine)Where stories live. Discover now