Your Lying

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Allura p.o.v.
I don't regret kicking out Keith I already tried to except the fact that part Galra. But him looking like one was the last straw. Then we found out that Keith was kidnaped and I was scared that some one was in my castle with out me knowing but I was fine that they took Keith it better I didn't want the paladins being to distracted with seeing, Keith leave. But one day we sant Shiro and Lance on a mission they came back a day late. We all started to get worried. But then they get back with him I can't believe it.
"Before you guys say anything just know he does not remember us at all,"
"What do you mean," I tried to stay calm but it was not working I kicked him out for a reason and now he is back!
"I mean is that the only thing he knows about us that is real is the fact that we are paladins of Voltron,"
"What makes you think that," Hunk asked in a concerned voice. I can't believe he still cares about him he is in Lotor armor Shiro probably came up with a lie to cover up the fact he turned on us.
"Lotor was the reason we were gone for a long time. He took us to his ship for questioning and he was not alone Keith was with him. But he got really mad so Lotor asked him to leave when he did Lotor told us that Haggar did some thing to him and then Lotor told him a lie about us," That sounded soo fake but I could tell the concern in his voice but if he really doesn't remember us than more of a reason for him to leave.
"I think we are forgetting some thing. He still looks like a Galra and from what I know and learned about aliens is that most likely he will ack more like a Galra then before for example, we all know Keith acts on instinct but now he will act purely and only on instinct," Pidge lectured.
"Maybe we can call the blades, they are all Galra so maybe they can help us," suggested Lance.  By the looks of it it seems I have no say about this. But the sooner they get though this the faster we can move on.
"Fine I guess you can call the blade," the anger in my voice was obvious.

Twisted mind  (Keith x Lotor).   (Art not mine)Where stories live. Discover now