Who are you?

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Shiro p.o.v.
The last thing I remember from our mission was seeing Keith, then everything went black.
I wake up to find out I'm tided to the wall with chains. Thank goodness Lance is next to me and dusted sim hurt. The doors swing open and in comes in Lotor but he is not alone. I see the person with he and I didn't know how to react. It was Keith, he was in Lotors armor and stood next to him as if they were friends.
"W...what are you doing here Keith," I asked. He had a confused look for a moment then turned to Lotor
"Ignore him Keith,"Lotor said
"Now black paladin we will ask questions and depending on your answer you and your friend can leave or stay and use for Haggar experiments,"The Galra prince said. By this time Lance was awake and by the looks of it is just as surprise as I am.
"K..k....keith what are you doing!" Screamed Lance. The next thing that happened scared me Keith walked up and punch Lance in the stomach.
"That is enough now we want them awake for the questioning," Lotor said in a calm voice. But Lance had more to say
"Allura kicks you out so you join the enemy?" Lance said in a made tone. A few more lines like that are said from Lance and by look on Keith face he looks like he is about to murder him.
"I'm thinking it is good for you to leave the room Keith," said Lotor
"Fine I'll be waiting outside," Replied Keith.With that Keith left the room.

Lotor p.o.v.
I wanted Keith to stay but the blue one was being annoying. But sadly I did them alive. I saw the black paladin face and chuckled a little bit.
"What's so funny!"Shiro said annoyed
"What's funny is you still think Keith has any memory of you,"

Twisted mind  (Keith x Lotor).   (Art not mine)Where stories live. Discover now