What the" Enemy"is Doing

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Note: this takes places right after Lotor talked to Shiro and Lance so this is Lotor p.o.v. of the situation. But please note that Keith is still with the paladins and will be for the next few chapters.
Lotor p.o.v.
I decided to let the paladins go because if I didn't who will tell the rest of them to back of my Keith. When I was done with sending them offI decided to find Keith but when I reach his room one of my guards came running up to me
"Prince Lotor, the paladins have escaped and took Keith with them,"
"What do you mean!! What happened to the guards that were watching them,"I was very annoyed I should not have left the paladins with just sentries especially with,my Keith out in the halls. Over the time spent together I have developed feelings for the former red paladin his violet eyes are so pretty and his smile is too pure. But I have to stop thinking about that for a moment he is my and I will get him back. I sighed.
"Never mind that all that matters is getting him back set coordinates to the castle and prepare to attack,"
"Yes sir," the guard says as he runs down the hall.
I have to admit I scared for him he doesn't remember the paladins but they remember him and the princess being the way she is plus Keith is finding out new things about his Galra side everyday. But I have to have faith in him,and I would love to get revenge on the paladins for have the nerve to take what is my.

Twisted mind  (Keith x Lotor).   (Art not mine)Where stories live. Discover now