The Truth Hurts

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Note: thank you sooooooooooo much for 100 views I never thought I have that many people read my story

Lotor p.o.v
The face the black paladin had was priceless he looked like he was punched in the gut it was amazing to see him like that.
"W...w..what do you mean," stuttered Shiro
"Oh nothing jut that Keith has absolutely no memory of you or the other paladins," The paladins looked terrified and angryat the same time.
"How is that possible. WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?" Yelled Shiro
"To find out all you have to do is ask Haggar. She mad the position that did all I did was ask," I said in a mocking voice.
"W..why did you do it. Why did you do that to Keith!!" Asked Lance
"Why I did, I said, I did because I know how closed minded the princess is and having a fighter like Keith will bring my chances of winning up by a lot but I also know that he would never turn on you or the blade so I simply made him forget about them,"
"You monster! The paladins said together, how could you do that!!"
"All am doing is helping him, he has made fiends and is unlocking his true potential as a Galra halfbreed,"

Keith p.o.v.
Lotor asked me to leave, but I didn't mind if I stay I would probably kill the blue paladin. I heard screams coming from the room but I did not know what they said. But it doesn't matter if Lotor is torturing the black paladin I will it mind he is the one that made me forget about my past. Lotor is such a nice guy I wish I remembered more about him. I have re-met all of his generals and they are all super nice. I love all the time I spend with my new/old friends.

Note: I came up with a name but please comment suggestions for future chapters

Twisted mind  (Keith x Lotor).   (Art not mine)Where stories live. Discover now