Trouble Comes

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Keith p.o.v.
Lotor was about to tell me something that seemed pretty important but suddenly the alarms go off and we learn that Voltron is attacking. There was a sudden crash and the hole ship shook. We reused out the room to see the paladins.
"There he is," Yelled the yellow paladin.
"Grab him," Ordered the black paladin. The yellow and blue paladins came running towards us and the rest went down the hall towards the control room.  "I'll handle them you make sure they don't reach the control room!" I yelled at Lotor. He as if he didn't want to leave me but he What will happen if they make it. Right as the paladins meet me Lotor is already running down the hall following the paladins.
"Come on Keith we don't want to fight you," The blue paladin said I am pretty sure his name was Lance but I not sure. But what I am sure of is That Lance was holding a syringe and coming towards me slowly. But I ran up and kicked him in the head, the yellow paladin opened his weapon, a big gun.( He doesn't remember what each paladin uses as a weapon or what a Bayard is) I know that gun could probably kill me in one hit so I have to be careful. But he was shaking like he was scared, so I took this opportunity and ran so I was close enough to stab him in leg I didn't get though his amor but I scared him even more. So much that he dropped his weapon. But before I could react Lance ran up to him and stabbed the syringe in his neck. Black dots started to fill my vision and I got really tired but I knew I had to keep fighting I was not going to be taken by Voltron again.
Me and the paladins fought for what seemed like ages and every passing minute my movements got slower and slower. Next thing I know I fell on the floor but not before I stabbed the blue paladin in the ankle this time going though the amor. After everything thing went black and I was in Voltron Hands ones again. I felt y self being pick up and I don't know why but I felt safe. I heard is going in to a ship and flying off. I also heard that the black and green paladins have been captured so l knew Lotor made it on time and now they Voltron has everything less members. So l guess some good came out of this.

Twisted mind  (Keith x Lotor).   (Art not mine)Where stories live. Discover now