The Bat

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My life is a constant cycle of the same things:wake up, train, study, train some more and sleep and repeat. That is until someone tipped Gotham police off on my mother's little operation, she'd been training child soldiers an idea they didn't know been woven by her 'boss' I guess you could say. The point was to have a base in every major superhero protected city so when his grandson was ready to take over the world all he really had to do was say go. But the base in  Gotham at the time was the first and only.

Ra's Al Ghul had decided the bat had to be the first to go which I guess makes sense considering his grandson was allegedly the blood son of the bat and Thalia Al Ghul. I could see the bat maneuvering himself into the young Al Ghul's mind with promises of a normal life, the kind I would have killed for then.

So when Gotham PD busted into my home at 3 AM that night, well let's just say I wasn't nearly as surprised as my mother, as a matter fact I was waiting but I did my best to put on a show. I kicked and screamed and writhed, I did everything I could to seem innocent. I knew what would lie ahead of me if I hadn't, I could just imagine a faceless, nameless assassin with dark cold eyes awaiting to show me to my fate and it makes my blood run cold. Jim Gordon personally escorted my mother and I out but placed us in different vehicles, I knew it was because I was to meet a certain someone but my mother assumed it was child services, hopefully.

I grinned and kicked at the door until the vehicle began to leave at which point I sat quietly and and waited.
'he should be here any second' I thought to myself.
I heard a sharp Bang! hit the roof, followed by the armored truck stopping, fear and anxiety began to flood my system as the thought that it could be the league occurred to me. I drew my face into a pensive but otherwise blank look and continued in my seat.

When the door finally did open my shoulders sagged slightly in relief when I saw the man in the cape and cowl "Alexandria" he grumbled out a the name as a question.

"Just Alex, actually, thank you for your assistance Batman, but I think I handle things from here, I just need you to get me out of these cuffs."
You see as per my agreement with the bat I came unarmed and therefore unprepared to break myself out, stupid I know.

"No." Was his curt reply
"No?" I questioned, although the man was intimidating that didn't mean I would simply back down especially when I had something to fight for.
"No." He replied once more as though I was hard of hearing or worse stupid. It was such a simple word but it sent fury through my being.

I wanted to scream.

"We had a deal." I said calmly.
"The conditions are being changed, I hadn't realized the extent of your training when we struck it or your age. I can't just let a fully trained assassin roam free now can I?" He asked with a blank tone one my brain took as patronizing.

I wanted to strangle him, strike him down where he stood, but I knew it would be of no use. He was just as well trained as I of not then better.

"And what are these conditions then?" I asked as calmly as possible.

"It's simple, you will be under the watch and care of the justice league until you are either 18 years old or they have decided you are not a threat to society."

"And what of my siblings?" I asked, I couldn't very well leave them to fend for themselves.

"The other soldiers are young enough to be integrated into new homes. They don't have the training or knowledge you do, so I will make sure  they end up in good homes as previously discussed."

That was the best I could have ever hoped for my siblings. I was the oldest of us, my mother being the head of the operation was forced to take me with her but I was double the age of the others. I assumed their young age of six years old made them the perfect age for brainwashing.

"Why did you come to me?"

His question had broken my reverie and I was forced to think of Ella. And my heart squeezed with the memory of her.

She was the youngest and weakest (according to mother) of my siblings. She was small but fierce and that's why I loved her, she was my favorite sister but one day I was away and a guard had tried to get her to do somethings to which she had refused and he then beat her to death not before of course my mother intervened though. She asked for an explanation and he simply told her Ella refused to train and so my mother turned a blind eye and let him continue.

That was when I broke.
I saw the league for what it was.
A group of monsters trying to make more monsters.

"I had enough of the league."

Quick authors note:
I usually skip these so I'm not offended if you do, but thank you for giving my story the time of day. Also there is some cussing and mature content involved. Also I have to remind you this is a fanfic and I only own vale so plz don't try to copy her.
- Chuchi 💕

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