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We were back at the tower much to my surprise and I was going to tell the team the could relax, we just had a nice little chat until raven stepped forward and said “don’t worry, I'm not staying. I’ve got to keep trigon off my path.” Of course as she said this everyone's heads snapped to me like this was my fault, i knew better so I brushed it off and continued

“woah woah, who said you have to go?” I asked. .

“Where will you go?” Cory asked calmly. I can't believe this how can she just let her go? Isn't this what being a team is for? To fight the bad guys we can't fight alone?

“It's better you not know. He’s going to try to use you. But don't worry. I put a protective spell on you just in case. And Vale should be able to fend him off until you guys get back up anyway.”

“And i thought i had a bad burrito” garfield said only to be reprimanded by jaime.

“Then why are you leaving? If you know i can help why not let me?”

“I guess I should've gotten permission. whatever. But i can’t stand for him to corrupt you, not even you vale. This team, you guys, are the only friends I've ever really had. I’ll miss you” she said turning to Cory and the rest of the team before she walked away.

“Wait.” damian and i said. I turned to him and nodded my head signalling for him to go first.

“Leave now and you’ll always be running.

“You have no idea what he’s like damian. You’ve never met a monster like trigon.” she said looking back. I had to disagree, the league is full of demons like trigon, maybe not as powerful but easily just as awful.

“You beat him once”. Jaime interjected clearly desperate for his friend to stay and let him help

“I was lucky.” she retorted clearly trying to get us off her back, except all it did was make us want to help her more. I knew trigon’s power and i could feel raven’s, she kept it well contained but it oozed out of her when she felt threatened, like at the carnival. I knew we could help her and apparently I wasn't the only one.

“Now you’ll be 5 times as lucky. If we can't save one of our own, who can we save?” damien retorted without missing a beat.

“ I thought you hated us” jaime said

“Well, I'm not wishing you dead” he replied turning to jaime with a smirk.

“What about you?” Jaime turned to me with a judgemental look in his eyes.

“What about me? Raven knows where I stand. And i’ve never said i hated any of you. I just got forced to come here.”

“Either way, robin’s right. We’re your best hope.” Cory finally stepped forward and put on her big girl pants until the beautiful moment was interrupted by a boom tube opening and the bat, cyborg, wonderbitch and my dad stepped out. I should’ve known they would come, afterall superman was corrupted.

Jaime’s armour buzzed and i felt the air shift. This wasn't going to end nicely.

“We heard about the attack. Was she at the center?” bats asked.

“Dad don't let them do this.” I pleaded with him, the bat was going to try and take this out of our hands. He was going to make raven leave.

“It’s not up to you and I Vale.” barry responded with a hardened look in his eye, even if it was he agreed with the bat. Of course he did. It's not like he didn't send me here so I could learn to be the good guy or anything, noo. Why would he listen to me?

Valeria- Damien Wayne Where stories live. Discover now