Teen Titans

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My goodbye with Iris was a bit too tearful for me but I didn't stop it, it was Iris after all. I through my duffle full of clothes into Wally's car and then it was Barry's turn, he pulled me into a hug and whispered " hey, I know what your doing, using this new team to get to Rah's, but I just need you to know that no matter what, you have us. We love you, Valeria."

I stepped back a little bit shocked, he knew. I wasn't thinking when I turned back to him and said " love you too Dad." as I got into the car.

It didn't even occur to me that in the last 2 days I had finally accepted Iris and Barry as my parents, and sort-of joined the Justice League until I was in the car and things were quiet and time felt like it wasn't moving.

"You m always here for you Vale. Really if you need anything I want you to call me. We don't have to keep any more secrets" Wally had broken my reverie and I suddenly felt the urge to just vent. To spill on everything that I had been doing in secret. I really didn't want any more secrets between me and him.

"Ok then, I never stopped training or figuring out how I would run away from our family, so we're gonna need to make a quick stop," I said it rushed and quietly suddenly ashamed of keeping things from him.

"What do you mean you never stopped? Where do we need to go that's so important?"

" we need to get my gear. Maybe we should stop for food?" I was trying to dodge his other question. Wally was normally like an endless pit when it came down to food. It didn't work.

"Ria what do you mean you never stopped trying to run away? I mean we're the frickin best."

"Look Wally I love our family but Rah's will never stop until his empire is complete and anyone who would dare stop him is dead. That includes our family, my presence put you guys in danger and I wasn't just going to sit back and watch as he slaughtered everyone I love. There is no way in hell I would let that happen."

We had finally arrived at my fortress as I had finished explaining my reasoning, I walked in and grabbed my suit and some weapons that I threw in a backpack and walked out all in under 5 minutes. With that out of the way, I walked back into wally's car and hoped the rest of the ride would go well.

It was quiet most of the way to Titan's Tower and when the GPS said we were 5 minutes away I decided to tell Wally my dirty little secret, after all, someone needed to know.
"Rah's would never let me go, Wally, you need to understand that, and it wasn't just because of what I was involved with, it's because of what I am. I'm a Siphon."

"A what?"

"A siphon."

" Oh Cool and I thought you were gonna say something really bad, my favorite cousin is a siphon that's so much fun because I totally know what a siphon is."

He was deflecting, trying to make a joke out of our situation but I mean let's be real here who wouldn't?

"It means that I feed off of magical energy, and can use it. Kind of like a leech but less gross."

"Cool. Cool. Cool."

We finally arrived at the tower and so did another car. And out walked Nightwing there was another boy in the car. Damn, he's so much more gorgeous in person, Oh shit he's coming over here.

"Hey Wally, how's it going man?" of course he knows Wally. 

"Pretty good I guess, just dropping off the newest addition to the Titans what about you?" well that wasn't entirely true but whatever. New people meant no emotions, no attachments, I'm using them to get to Rah's so maybe some manipulation.

The boy that was behind the beauty that is Nightwing was suddenly recognizable, it was Robin, great. He looked like me, no emotions were supposed to be visible but I know my kind, he was annoyed and to me it was clear.

After Wally and Nightwing greeted each other we all came to notice the group that was there to greet us, I recognized them all, I knew everyone that was even remotely associated with the JLA I had to if I wanted to be good at what I did. The group consisted of Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Raven, and Starfire. I could feel the magic radiating from Raven, it was familiar, it was almost the same magic as what the Lazarus Pit emanated. Looks like I would have to keep my distance.

Nightwing and Starfire exchanged what I assume was supposed to be a professional greeting but it was clear they were flirting and Robin looked like he wanted to gag. So did Wally as he looked at me, I was reminded of the first day of school, I wanted him to leave.

"This is Damien, the new Robin" Nightwing said

"Welcome Damien," Starfire responded
"Yeah well, this is Vale" I didn't need my older cousin there to protect me and it looked like he understood that, so he greeted the team and then just left.

After shouting  "goodbye and good luck, Cory you're gonna need it"
We shared a look as our goodbye and he nodded as he left.

Cory tried to be welcoming to Damien but he wouldn't budge, she introduced the team and he simply said, " I'll be in my room."

She tried to offer him a tour but he cut her off saying " I think I can manage."

I felt a little bit bad but stayed quiet and decided to follow in after him, waving at the others, I needed to know whether or not these people were trustworthy and the only way I would know that is by staying quiet and watching.

I could faintly here blue beetle say
"That is one creepy mocoso" and it made me laugh internally, my Latin heritage was clear in my visage but I barely get to speak what I considered to be my native language, no one at home spoke Spanish so I never did, but that doesn't mean I forgot it.

"No, more like, sad. But the other one..." I could hear Raven's soft voice reply. Great, she's an empath, that makes this harder. I'm gonna have to be extra careful.

"Why are you following me?" I could hear Damien's cold, deep, voice echo as he questioned me.

"Not following. Just didn't want to get stuck talking to them and take a nap," I said honestly I saw no reason to lie. We clearly worked pretty well together.


I didn't respond, he's like I was before Wally, closed off. I know better than to try and force him into any sort of conversation, all that would do is make him more suspicious of me, after all why do we have to be friends? Just because we have similar pasts he doesn't have to know that.

Wow 2 updates in one day I'm on a roll (sort of ) I mean they're kind of just fillers but I feel like Vale and Damien are gonna be a slow burn anyway thanks for reading ❤️
-Chuchi ❤️❤️

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