The Shadows

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My mind was racing, here I am, surrounded and (for the first time ever) wishing the rest of the Titans were here. The shadows gave off a disgusting aura, it looked like rotting flesh and made my stomach turn, the fact that they smelled like rotten eggs didn't help either; they were demons. Fun.

“ Azarath Calls. The child must answer. The hour of his rising is at hand” they said at once. Fuck that is creepy. I was a little more afraid than I would have liked to admit but I swallowed my fear and let a mask of smugness fall in its place.

“Well Azarath needs to stop being such a pedophile.” ok, I admit it's not my best line but I don’t normally have to do this, it's normally just me, my opponent, and their death.

They growled at me once more and began to close in, I was weaponless, so I shifted my weight to the center and waited for one to advance. When it finally did i jumped on it and grappled it so I had my hands around its neck and I was facing his friends, now I had the advantage, I let my magic envelop me and felt it's warmth in my hands as I began to siphon the demon’s magic, it's life, away. I had to keep in mind that it could take me over if I wasn't careful, it was fighting me for control trying to force all of the hateful murderous memories I had to the surface; it forced memories of my mother and the league forward, it made me feel alone. Until it slipped up and brought forward a memory of wally and I arguing and I remembered that day: we had been arguing about me being reckless, Wally told me I was being selfish, acting like I didn't have people who loved me waiting for me, acting like I didn't have Iris or Barry or Wally, it was the first time I felt loved. In seconds, I had enough magic in me to decimate a town and could feel my eyes begin to glow as the demon faded away into dust.

Now I was buzzing.  

I looked up at the other demons and without a word, I jumped at them using my momentum and the magic I had to single them out, I shoved one into the other and siphoned their energy and my magic flared.

My head was starting to hurt, I had too much, so I did the only thing I could think of, I released the energy into the earth around me. I launched myself into a tree letting my magic wrap around it like a boa, I siphoned the energy out of it and allowed the demons energy flow into it, ignoring the demon trying to burn away at the shield that I had enveloping me.

I turned to it then and let my hands glow the pure white I knew came with white magic, it grabbed at my throat so I used my forearm to shove his hand down while I shoved my hand where a heart should be and forced the light to eat away at the demon. I let go as the demon was dying, going after the next demon who seemed to be smarter, he wouldn't let me touch him, it was then that I understood who they were.

This was it. The league of shadows, the league of assassins weren’t dead, they were just finally totally composed of demons and here they were fighting me. This was going to be endless if I didn't figure out how to send them back.

The demon used my shock to his advantage as he sent demons I could no longer see to hold me down he allowed a sword to aparate and held a stance I knew too well, he finally charged at me and the sword impaled me.

That should have been the end of me, had the sword not been made of magic, I absorbed it and him and my body and magic hummed, my vision blurred as I let out a burst of energy that took out all life within 25 feet of me and anything above me. That should have gotten the team's attention, but it had also used up way too much energy, the energy that should have been used to heal the wound from the demon impaling me. the blood began to seep through my fingers and my vision became cloudy as I collapsed being surrounded by the demons sent to simply fill in the ranks I reached out to one and managed to latch my hand around its ankle, I can't leave my family. I can't leave my team. I can't leave Damien. I let my now exhausted magic begin to wrap itself around the demon and force it's magic into my wound stitching the hole left by the sword together and giving me a small boost of energy.

I staggered to my feet and took up my stance again and turned to the demons and said “well who’s next” I was breathless but I’ll be damned if I let them break me.

This time three of them charged at me so I took them each down, I grappled the first one to the floor and absorbed her magic this time I choose to shoot the energy at them, flinging the white balls of energy at the last two as they continued to charge at me; the energy consumed them before they made it. My nose was bleeding and my arms ached at this point, my muscles were trembling. I can't keep doing this. I scavenged my mind for memories of how to send demons back to their dimension and couldn't think of any spells.

Actually, I could only think of Zatanna, her spells are just her speaking backward, well it's worth a shot. I thought of how I would word it and decided: If demons threaten me in this place, Fight Water by Water and Fire by Fire, Banish them into nothingness, and remove their powers until the last trace. Let these evil beings flee, Through time and space. that should be good enough.

“ecaps dna emit hguorht, eelf sgnieb live eseht tel ecart tsal eht litnu srewop rieht evomer dna ssengnihton otni meht hsinab erif yb erif dna retaw yb retaw thgif ,ecalp siht ni em netaerht snomed fi”I said and allowed my magic to seep its way into my words by the end of my spell I was exhausted and could finally see what was happening around me. The team was fighting their own demons but were clearly getting tired. I saw Damien turn to me and scanned his body until I was satisfied that he was unscathed at which point I let the exhaustion get to me and fell to the ground. My eyes clouded until I couldn’t see anymore. I became vaguely aware of Damien's arms carrying me and could hear the team around me.

“This is all her fault!” I could hear raven screech

“That’s enough raven.” Damiens authoritative voice echoed around us.

“I heard what you told Cory. Azarath is after his child. He sent these demonic emissaries after you.”

“Then why did they isolate her and send the majority of their squadron after Vale?” I heard Jaime ask with his judgey voice. Stupid judgy people. I was able to open my eyes now but there was no way I could walk. The world was spinning and the light posts were too bright for my eyes. My body was aching.

“Because she’s a siphon, for all we know she could have siphoned all of them at once. She’s their biggest threat.” cory addressed Jaime then turned to Raven and said “Robin said I didn't know enough about you, maybe he was right. You told me you didn't have a father. “

“What I said is that he’s gone,” Raven replied looking down

“That’s not the same as dead,” Damien remarked

“He’s dead to me!” she shouted turning away from them. Well then look who else doesn't have a parentage.

“So why is he trying to kill you?” beast boy asked, his eyebrow quirking up in curiosity

“He’s not trying to kill me. It's much worse for me. He’s, however, trying to kill vale.” now that piqued my curiosity, last I checked I didn't know this dude. Why the hell does he feel the need to try and kill me? This is stupid. How does he even know about my existence? The league. Rah’s must have told him of my insubordination. My mind was racing a mile a minute so I barely noticed raven’s magic surround us as it took us to another dimension.

hope you liked it! thanks for reading and commenting and shtuff
-chuchi ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ 

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