The Storm

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When we entered cyborg was just coming into consciousness, and the bat was still on the ventilator. It was strange to see the man who had become an unstoppable giant in such a weak state, sometimes i think we forget he is human. Cyborg finally sat up and looked around registering the bats condition for the first time.

“How bad is he?”

“He's been out for twenty-four hours. He sacrificed himself, risked death to give us a fighting chance at life. Which is more than i can say for the rest of the league.” damien responded clearly annoyed his father had risked it all. 

I shot him a glare at his dig at Barry, he didn't know what was happening. The Bat should have told him. I should have told him.

Sometimes i think damien wishes his father had never been a superhero, that he just wants him to be his dad first and batman second. I know after i found out barry was the flash I had freaked out about it, how could he consistently put himself in danger when he was a father? I mean he had a family to think about.  

“Damien this isn't the time to squabble. We have to get raven back.” Cory scolded.

“We don't even know where she is.” Jaime contributed.

“Yes we do.” I cut in deciding enough was enough. Damien is too paranoid to not know where each of are, so i looked to him and there he was pulling out his reader, you know the one where he had the coordinates to every tracer he had planted.

“She’s in the middle east. 60 miles north of Kandack city”

“How did he?” Garfield was amazed and horrified at the prospect of being tacked down. That much was clear.

“He put a tracer on her.”

“When?” Jaime asked

“About 30 seconds afeter we met. Same time I put one on each of you. But how did you know Vale?”

“I know you. And it's a league specialty” everyone else had made it clear that they were not cool with being tracked, I could see how damien thought about it; something along the lines of: what's the issue with it if your not doing anything wrong? I would have to try and explain it to him soon, the way wally had explained it to me. But back to the matter at hand. 

“Cyborg, you have the ability to manifest boom tubes, do you not?” Cory asked already starting a plan

“Yeah I can boom us their but you guys barely held your own against Flash and Wonder Woman. And that's without superman being on deck, not to mention the whole trigon thing.”

“He shouldn't be a problem.” Damien brooded

“Neither of them should.” I added as we walked away to prepare for what was to come.

“Yeah right, like you got a way to take out superman.” garfield interjected, oh ye of little faith, dude. Damien looked back and smirked, he seems to have a flair for the dramatic.

“Oh my god i think they do.”

Damien explained the plan of how things were going to happen, he would take superman, I would take flash, the team would take Wonder Woman and get Raven of the satans rings. All we had to do to get the demons out was injure the vessel. We boomed there and that's when the action started. They boomed in the air while cyborg boomed me to the ground. I couldn't focus on them, the plan was risky but I knew it would work.

Now that i was off the island i could feel the magic in the air. The life in the soil seemed to call out to me as i did to it. I could feel my power humming, it was the first time I set foot on any continental land since i died and came back, and I could feel it. It was like before but everything was turned up to 11, I could sense all the organisms around me. Including demon-flash. 

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