The Beginning

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That night I had nightmares for the first time in years since Ella had passed actually, and I knew something bad was going to happen. I had dreamt of Clark which was strange all by itself but worse yet, I dreamt that he was fighting being possessed. He was banging his head against concrete in some construction site trying to force the demon out. I dreamt of the underworld where the demon was from. I could see them surrounding his consciousness and suffocating the good parts of his life, the light that he held on to and fought for.

"Trigon lives," they whispered and with that, I woke up sweating and panting. The demon must have gotten to Clark. I needed to figure out who this child they had mentioned at the opening of the hall of justice was. I needed to stop this and save Clark but how?

I could hear someone shifting in my room. He stepped into the light and I was struggling to calm my heart, my mind was racing with what I had learned of Clark. Damien walked up to my bed and sat down putting his hands on my shoulders. I struggled to slow my breathing but that's when Damien decided to speak and in a calm soothing voice he said "You're ok. It's just you and me here. You're ok." 

He was talking to me like a frightened animal and I didn't know how to respond or whether or not I was ok with it. I hated pity but this felt different, it felt like empathy, like he knew what was going on and just wanted to help. Either way, I calmed down by focusing on the soothing nature of his voice. It was deep and sounded like how fog looked but it was inviting, so were his eyes. I had never noticed before but his green eyes felt like home, they were the same green as the trees of the jungle that I had been born in, where my father was, and they incited a feeling of warmth in me.

Now here I was staring at him like a weirdo. Well, this is gonna get awkward if I don't stop. Why haven't I stopped? What the hell is wrong with me.

My mind kept on running away from the topic at hand and it was making me frantic.

"So what was it?" his voice cut through my racing thoughts and I debated on telling him the truth. I mean he may be able to help or he could just get in my way with that bigass ego of his, but telling him may help me. At least according to the Allen's, I missed them.

"Vale?" Damn, I did it again.

"It was a nightmare, but you should know, something is coming. Something with powerful dark magic so we have to be careful."

"Do you think the witch-girl might have something to do with it? Or do you?" I understood his suspicion but it still pissed me off.

"It's not me, hell if anything it's you. But as for Raven, I don't know anything. And I mean ANYTHING. She just showed up one day and the league took her in, she was an orphan, they have a soft spot for those." I tried to act like the situation wasn't bothering me but it was so, I did what wally taught me; I deflected.

"What do you mean me?"  he seemed genuinely confused and that was a bit shocking, did he not know what his grandfather did to survive? Did he not know the source of the Lazarus pit?

"I mean your grandfather was a demon." a look of disbelief and annoyance painted his face and body language changed; he went from relaxed to defensive very quickly.

"My grandfather was a good man. We were going to make the world a better place. We were going to rule it together." I couldn't believe he still put his grandfather on that pedestal. He truly believed his grandfather was one of the good guys. Poor fool.

"I knew your grandfather Damien, I knew him well; he was a demon and whether or not you choose to accept it is up to you but you'll know the truth eventually. It doesn't matter right now anyway, this thing isn't after either of us so maybe it's after Witch-girl?"

"The league has to have something on her. My father wouldn't allow us to know nothing about her and still let her fight alongside us."

" your father doesn't control the league remember? He's just a member of it and sometimes he's not even that." that seemed to snap something back into place for him. His suspicion flared.

"Well, then we'll just see exactly what the league has."

"Nothing. they have nothing on her. I got into the system ages ago but I could never find anything about her." I knew he wouldn't just believe what I said, so when he started planning on taking a look around, I was in no way surprised, I watched him leave and pick the lock to Cory's room he was in there for a while and I stayed at the door until I heard someone coming towards us.

"She's coming Damien, it's time we go."

"No. I'm staying. You can go but if I'm going to be on this team I need to know what I'm dealing with exactly."

"Ok. Fine but I'm not taking any of the fall for this."  

I listened as Cory finally found Damien.
"What are you doing in my room? We have rules, Damien. You never trespass on another person's space."

"You have nothing on her. No background. No History."

"On who Damien?"

"Raven. Your the leader of this group. You should know everything about her. It's called Vetting."

"She's 14. No mother. no father. she grew up in a hostile realm, not unlike my own planet. And she escaped like I did. We didn't know anything about Raven when we took her in, except that she needed a home, a place to grow." ooh so that's why there's nothing on her, Cory connected with her situation and didn't think past her emotions. She didn't really vet her.

"I was taught that knowledge was power, and you knew nothing about her."

"how much do you have to know when people are in need? Garfield was 11 when his genetics kicked in and gave him green skin and powers, we still don't know the purpose of Jaime's alien armor or all of its abilities. We just knew they needed help. You have to have a little faith sometimes."

all that means to us is that you know nothing about your teammates. How does she expect us to trust that? How do we deal with Jaimes armor freaking out and killing everything around it? Did she even think about that or did she let her emotions lead the way?

"Faith is belief based on an absence of data. It invites disaster"

With that, he left. He passed my room and glanced at me, his annoyance clear on his face but he nodded goodnight to me.

Valeria- Damien Wayne Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora