The Carnival

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The next morning Cory had woken up with a mission in mind: Have fun. And in turn: force Damien to bond with the team, it was really interesting to me how they pined for his acceptance, maybe they thought it would get to the bat. Either way, it was funny watching them try to be his friend, Raven especially. Damien was slightly peeved at having to leave his beloved katana in the car but agreed to go nonetheless

We were currently walking into a local carnival and Damien and I had been walking side by side when Raven forced herself between us, blaming her desperate need to get close to Damien on a need to get away from beast boy's bragging. She recently developed some sort of obsession with Damien, and in turn a 'distrust' towards me as she calls it. She tries to act like I don't see the glances she throws Damien or the way she tries to brush her arm against him, hell she even tries to physically separate us, constantly trying to walk between us or interrupt us talking just like she's doing now.

While I found her desperate acts amusing, Damien was becoming physically uncomfortable so I decided to help him and have some fun. I took his hand in mine and interlaced our fingers and pulled him towards the snack booth. Once we were there he looked back at me with confusion in his eyes and finally questioned "What was that for?"

"She was making you uncomfortable, I like to think of us as friends so it's my job to help comfort you. And now she's sitting there pouting because I won that little power show." I laughed at the end of my explanation. Her jealousy over a guy she doesn't even really know is quite hilarious.

"Oh ok," he responded sounding slightly deflated as he tried to unwrap our hands but I held on and looked him in the eyes.

"I mean it wasn't just that I guess," I said with my heart pounding.

"Then what else was it?"

"I was also just enjoying having a cute guy hold my hand at a carnival." that seemed to stop him in his tracks but his hand was still in mine so I wasn't worried about it. I just continued to order us some cotton candy and a candy apple.

"Well, that's good because I'm enjoying holding hands with the pretty girl at the carnival. God that sounded less cheesy in my head."

I laughed at his obvious attempt at being romantic, but that was just to cover up my blush, cheesy or not that sentence had me blushing and struggling to act normal.

"It wasn't that bad, at least now I know." he was going to respond but of course raven had something to say to us, more like him.

"Damien, we're supposed to bonding as a team not isolating ourselves," she said

"No raven I think we are quite alright the way we are," he responded

" Well, Cory wants you two to separate and start bonding with the team, starting with you and me" doubtful.

"In that case why don't we join the rest of the team."

his hand was still in mine so when Raven turned around I pulled him to me and asked: "what are you doing?"

"You'll see," he responded then took a piece of the cotton candy and made a face of adoration at the sugary treat before turning around and walking us toward the rest of the team.

Beastboy and Jaime were chatting up a storm before Damien interrupted them. They were talking about who in the team would be the best at the ring toss and of course, were betting on themselves. They would be wrong. I was an undefeated queen at ring toss.

"Why don't we go to the Ferris wheel and then see who really is the king of ring toss," Damien said.

"Or queen" i added. " or queen" damien agreed

With that said we walked over to the Ferris wheel and got our tickets, Raven of course still trying to be sat next to Damien and at first it seemed Damien was going along with it until at the last second he raced out of his seat raving about dropping his phone.

"You can just go on up, here take cory with you! I just have to find my phone." and that's when I caught on because the second cory and raven's cart had taken off of the ground he came up from behind me, phone in hand and we got into a cart of our own.

"You know, you know so much about me yet I know very little about you," he said with the same calm soothing voice I had become accustomed to. I knew this was coming, all the flirting in the world wouldn't stop him from interrogating me. As he should, I mean I told him his grandfather was a demon and that the world was in danger because of one bad dream, if anything I'm surprised he lasted this long.

"Well then, ask away," I responded, I had very few secrets from him at this point, after all, he's just like me.
" how did you get away from the league?" he asked the most obvious of questions

"your father helped me, I gave him information on the operation we were running and he used it to bring it down." that was bit vague but completely true.

"How did you manage to get yourself here?"

"Once again, your father. He didn't want a fully trained child warrior just running around without his supervision so he asked the Allens, or the flash and his family, to take me in. and you were there the day the hall of justice was attacked, your father felt I needed more than just some supervision, I needed to make a decision, join the justice league or disappear off the face of the earth and live a life alone and constantly running." after that little rant I reached into my bag and pulled out the candy apple I had bought, I needed a little sweet to forget the bitterness of life.

"Do you want some?" I asked Damien as our ride was coming to an end.

"Yeah, i'll try it," he responded and then continued to take a bite of the apple and get caramel sauce on the rims of his mouth and an idea sparked my mind.

I leaned in and used my thumb to wipe it off before licking my thumb clean. I was trying to put an end to the interrogation and bring back the flirty atmosphere we had before and once the shock left his face he clearly was all for our return to flirting with one another.

When we got out of the Ferris wheel cart the rest of the team had been waiting for us (since we were the last to get on we were the last to get off) and I could hear that beast boy and Jaime were still arguing over who the best at ring toss was and could see raven sulking off to the side.

"Let's settle this like MEN, ring toss, whoever gets the most rings on the bottle wins." beast boy shouted and so Damien and Jaime agreed. They are about to get their asses handed to them by me. That should teach them not underestimate quiet women.

With that said we all walked over to the ring toss booth and each of them gave it their best shot, Damien's would be the hardest to beat, he gets every ring and threw them all at once. But as I said I'm a reigning queen at this and normally have to compete with speedsters like Wally, so this would be a piece of cake. I grabbed double the amount of rings Damien did after all the competition depended on the number of rings one could land the first time. I positioned each of the rings on my fingers and threw them making sure two of each landed on a bottle from the back row, and once again I was the undefeated queen of ring toss.

I turned back to the shocked guys and said "I guess it was queen after all." and sauntered off feeling very cool until a pit landed itself in my stomach. Someone was using magic here. Someone dangerous and I had picked the absolute best possible moment to leave the group, I was being surrounded by shadowy figures and I was too far from the team for them to help me.

Quick authors note:
I'm soo sorry I took so long to update but writers block is hard to write through anyway thanks for reading 💕

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