Closer Than That

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"Where the hell have you been?" shit. Again.

Oh shit, how do explain this? What would a normal girl say? She was with a guy or out with her friends. No that won't work Wally knows about almost everyone I talk to, he knows I'm not dating and won't keep a secret from Barry to save his life. I guess I'm just playing it safe:

" Home." I said calmly, it was a blatant lie but let's just see where this goes.

"Don't lie to me." shit I'm freaking out.
what is something within his idea of who I am, that wouldn't get me in trouble, that I would do?

" Fine I was following a story and I lost track of time." fingers crossed he believes that one.

"You should have left a note." I wanted to let out a relieved sigh but choose not to so I wouldn't give away my lie.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you would be home." it was unintentional to have dealt that blow, and when I saw the disappointment in his eyes I felt guilty for saying that.

" I know I haven't been home a lot lately and I'm sorry if you think that we don't still care about you because we do Vale, I promise you we do."

"I know D-Barry." I almost slipped up, it's clear I've become too attached to him. I finished making my sandwich in silence with him lingering in the kitchen, he had something to say and I watched as he struggled to say what he meant. He kept opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish.

"What is it, Barry?" I'm tired of watching him struggle, I thought we were closer than that. Maybe not.

"Nothing. Nevermind. Just don't forget about the unveiling of the Hall of Justice tomorrow, Iris is gonna be covering it and wants you there. Lois should be there too." Ever since I told him my BS story about wanting to be a journalist, like Iris and Lois Lane, when I grow up he assumes I'll be soo excited to see her and her god-knows-what-he-is-to-her: Clark.

"Ok goodnight."


I was too buzzed with the adrenaline from getting away with that lie to go to sleep. Barry's ringtone cut through the silence that had settled into the house.

"Hey. No, I'm not telling her. I don't care she is only just now getting comfortable with us. It's not like she can do anything, her siblings are safe as long as you're watching out for them. And me being gone without explanation all the time doesn't help."

He is gone all the time, but that makes keeping my secret easier, I never thought he was keeping one of his own.

A silence followed until he said "I've been thinking about telling her the truth but she fought so hard to get out I don't want to suck her back into everything"

Who's he talking about? Me? Who the hell is he talking to?

"Yeah, we'll be there tomorrow. Yes all of us, she's going too." he sounded tired but I was more focused on this secret he was keeping.

Was he being updated about my siblings and didn't want to tell me the truth, that someone that looks like the league was there. I mean I know it was me but the Bat doesn't and neither does he. Who the hell does he think he is hiding his contact with the Bat?

"How is Damien anyway? Still just as brooding as you but put into a 16 year-olds body?" he joked

Why was he constantly away? What the hell is his secret? Who the hell is Damien?

" Ha, I can't give you any advice there, Vale wanted to be here, for the most part, she's a great kid, maybe he just takes after you." his voice was light again.

The questions continued to swirl in my head until I heard Barry end the call and start his way upstairs. I could hear him stop at my doorway and decided to pretend I was asleep he opened the door and walked over to my bed and kissed my forehead.

His presence comforted me in a way I hadn't expected when I first got here and it lulled me to sleep

Authors note: alright I know that was a filler but it was cute. I freaking love Barry and Vale's relationship ❤️ don't you?

Next chapter we'll be getting into the movie's plot yayyyyyyyyyyyy- Chuchi

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Next chapter we'll be getting into the movie's plot yayyyyyyyyyyyy
- Chuchi

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