The Calm

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With hours on my hands I thought back to the day at the carnival. I had been using my flirtation to get out of the interrogation but I can't deny that I feel something for damien. It seems like he feels something too, after all he had cried when he thought I was dead. Maybe we could go out after we defeated Acharon. The only thing i would have to worry about would be the bat and all of damien and his family’s enemies. I had yet to find a great many of my own but damien’s list of foes is long and never stops growing. Then again he’s probably one of the only people who genuinely understands. And i like to think he sees the same in me. But maybe we need more than that. 

“Penny for your thoughts.” his voice pierced through my overthinking rant. It was calm like always but his eyes seemed to storm. His face showed how exhausted he clearly was. He hasn't slept at all throughout this whole ordeal, and as much as he would like to deny it; he is human and therefore has limitations.

“Just thinking about you.”

“Really? What about me?” his eyebrow arched and my heart stuttered a little. God he's gorgeous, even when he looks like death.

“Currently: the fact you look exhausted and should rest.”

“I'm fine. What about before that?”

“First of all: your not fine. Second: I was thinking about us.” my heart jumped to my throat at my last word. This was it. Either we live happily ever after or I get rejected by Damien Wayne. Great.

“I'm going to ignore that first part. I was also wondering about the future concerning our relationship.”

I had hoped he would drop his ‘business as usual’ tone but i guess that's his default when things get personal.

“Ok then we should establish what ‘we’ are. Are we friends or do you want to be more?”

“What does ‘more’ constitute exactly?”

“It constitutes dates. Intimacy. Trust. Hopefully some romance.”

“Intimacy huh?”he started to lean in closer to me and I could feel myself start to flush.

“Yes but who knows if that gets to happen when your planning on going into a battle with essentially satan, completely exhausted.” he doesn't get to ignore his health. Maybe we could both get what we want.

“I’m fine. Let’s just keep talking about this ‘more’ you mentioned. What exactly does us being intimate mean?”

“It means that you and I could just get into this bed and rest a bit. Cuddling is intimate.” we were back in the hospital room I had been placed in, but lets hope he takes the bait. Slowly he made his way over to me on the bed and laid down. I rested my head on his chest like i’ve seen in all of iris’s romantic movies and his body stiffened until he relaxed and put his arm around me, so I took it a step further and nuzzled my head into his neck, making him shiver from me being so close. We stayed that way silently for a bit. Until he started to ask questions.

“Are you ok? You know after what happened earlier, I'm just wondering how your doing.” 

“I’m ok. I think I know how to take down trigon now.” I definitely am not ok, but he doesn't need to be burdened with that. 

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I'm fine.”

“I know that you aren’t. But i get that your not ready to talk about it yet. At least not with me anyway.” 

“ Lets just face it one issue at a time.” 

 “But we are going to face it, right?” I pulled away from my comfy spot on his neck to look at him in the eyes. They were still storming but now he was looking at me like my next words would change everything. The same way I was when I asked him about us. Which he still hasn't answered.

“Of course we are. You know, you still haven’t answered me. It's not nice to leave a girl hanging like that after she took the risk.” I voiced my thoughts, hoping he would give me a definitive yes. I mean here we are cuddling but, in my experience; boys need all of the signals spelled out to them.

He broke my train of thought when I noticed how close we were getting and the way he seemed to be inching closer to me until I realized his eyes were flickering back and forth between my eyes and my lips. Is he going to kiss me? My heart raced into my throat as i began to lean in as well, until finally all at once our lips crashed together. My heart swelled in my chest and brain felt like it was going to explode. He was gentle and sweet and it made me feel like we weren't about to face what might be the apocalypse tomorrow. It made me feel like we were just two normal teenagers who were able to sneak in some alone time. I pulled back gingerly when I realized we needed air.

“I hope that answers it.” my heart fluttered and i know i currently look like a very pleased tomato. So with the goofy smile our kiss left behind i went back cuddling into his neck and hoping everything would be ok.

We eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms and were only woken up when jaime burst into the room with the news that cyborg was awake. And of course, letting me know he was disappointed to see my taste in men including a ‘demon spawn’ to which damien through the remote to the television that was up on the wall, and hit him square in the forehead. Before he calmly got up, offered me his hand and we walked into the room set up for cyborg, hand in hand.

i hope you enjoyed some Vale and Damien time (also whats their ship name? got any ideas cuz i dont)
lots of love <3
~Chuchi <3

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