Hall of justice

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Everything was fine it was a nice day out and the whole league had come to the unveiling, even that asshat Batman. Then they attacked the 'legion of doom' which is really just a cheesy name for a bunch of middle-aged losers who don't understand that they won't beat the Justice league. Ever.

Everything was in chaos people were panicking and running everywhere, I was happy barry hadn't been able to come in today because if he had he would be all over the place and I can't protect both him and Iris. I forced her to run and started to help with the evacuation when I saw Cheetah and Wonder Woman fighting and ended up in a parking structure, the one that I had put Iris in. My heart jumped to my throat in fear that their fight would make her a casualty.

I followed them inside and watched as cheetah hid I took that as my chance to grab her and she threw me off her back and into a pillar my back was sore as I got back up and attacked again. Wonder woman had finally noticed me but I didn't care much I was too busy avoiding Cheetah's claws. I managed to get the knife I hid in my shoe out and slashed like I planned to stab her, it was a fake-out that always worked, and so I backed out of cheetahs reach to set myself up to wrap my legs around her throat and choke her out, kill her if need be.

When my legs constricted cheetah into fainting and I didn't let go Wonder Woman decided to intervene. She pulled me off and I was going to run when she used that stupid lasso of hers and tied me in place and took me outside where I watched helplessly as weather-wizard and the flash fought, well it wasn't so much of a fight as much of as a chastising.

My mind flashed back to Iris and I began to struggle against Wonder Woman's lasso, I needed to make sure she was ok, but this stupid lasso was like a boa constrictor. Every time i struggle or breathed it got tighter and not just around my body it felt like it was constricting my soul too. I screamed out when it got particularly tight and my vision became spotted until I fainted. She wouldn't kill a teenager, would she?

I could hear Iris shouting my name until I heard her get close and shout " Diana! Let her go! That's my daughter! Let her go!"

She called me her daughter.
Diana aka Wonder Bitch released me and suddenly I could breathe again. I let out a groan and my vision came back to me.

"Who is she really Iris? You wouldn't have a daughter who could take down the likes of cheetah as quickly as she did."

"That's none of your business Wonder Bitch all you should care about is that I took her down without any unnecessary damage." her strangling me has clearly pissed me off and invoked my sharp tongue

The rest of the league had finished off their respective foes and decided to circle up with each of the members of the legion of doom arrested at their sides. I watched as they congratulated each other and wonder bitch explained our little predicament to which the Bat glared at me while the flash looked surprised and hurt by what he had learned. Well, who is he to judge me anyway?

They were almost too caught up in talking to notice weather wizard getting out of his constraints and I watched as he ran away with iris holding me up and trying to soothe me. She was trying to rub my back in comfort but all it did was put more pressure onto the bruise that was forming from cheetah throwing me into a wall. Asshole.

I felt the air shift by the time the flash had noticed weather wizard trying to escape and I knew that feeling. I had only ever felt it once growing up once when I met Ra's Al Ghul. I could feel my magic pull to feed off of it, to siphon it I haven't done that in a very long time. That was my secret, the one thing I kept from the Bat and now here it is rearing its ugly head, I could kill almost any creature with magic running through there veins and all it took was a touch. There was magic here and it was the dark kind.

Valeria- Damien Wayne Where stories live. Discover now