nine - secrets

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song - Say Something by A Great Big World

~"And I am feeling so small,
it was over my head, I know nothing at all
And I will stumble and fall,
I'm still learning to love, just starting to crawl."~

Finn let the cool air brush over his face, his dark curls sweeping over his pale forehead in the wind. The burst of anger left him with a good night's sleep and he felt relatively normal, perhaps a little on edge. He wanted this entire thing to end, itching to get out of the house that made him feel like he was trapped. He let the nicotine calm his senses, letting out the smoke as he heard footsteps from nearby, already dreading the conversation that was inevitably going to occur. He took a deep breath, throwing away his cigarette as the figure got closer to him, dressed in all black like always.

The Boss glanced behind Finn to make sure that they were out of sight, studying him slowly. He noticed that Finn's body was relaxed, perhaps slightly bored as he leaned against the bushes beside the brass gate that kept them out of view.

"You seem more rational this morning" The Boss commented gruffly.

Finn ignored the curiosity hiding out in his tone, sighing deeply as he glanced at the man beside him with a blank expression. "What do you want? Any more cryptic clues about what I'm looking for? I need to keep being careful...I-I don't know how much longer I can sneak around before he notices something."

The Boss shrugged. "You'll figure something out."

"Is that all I'm going to get?" Finn scoffed. "You won't tell me anything about this and we both know that it isn't about some illegal trading. Do you know him personally or something?"

"Wolfhard, know your place."

It was only a slight change but Finn noticed the slight clenching of his jaw, scoffing lightly and tilting his head curiously. He saw the tight grip on the black coat he was wearing, all of his features sharp and laced with irritation.

"You do know him" Finn breathed, stepping closer, "What the hell? Why am I finishing off your dirty work with someone who pissed you off?"

The Boss snapped. "Isn't that what you always do?"

Finn's eyes narrowed. "How do you know him? The missions have always been random, you are the one who always tells me not to get emotionally involved and to keep everything to the there even any illegal trading going on or is that just your excuse to kill him?"

He grunted slightly as The Boss shoved him against the pushes, groaning slightly at the thorns sticking into his pale skin. The Boss's dark green eyes were lit up with anger, dark and narrowed as if warning Finn to continue. The grip that he had on Finn's coat was tight and he leaned in closely, his breath hovering over Finn's eyes as he spoke in a careful tone. Finn glared back at the man, knowing that struggling and continuing to argue would get him nowhere, he knew deep down that the man could ruin his life instantly, even have him killed within seconds. He was important to The Boss, but not that important.

"I told you, know your place."

Finn kept his voice low and taunting. "He must have really done a number on you...was he a friend at one point? Did he betray you? Steal a girlfriend or something like that? I bet this entire mission is just a wild goose chase so that I can kill off a man who betrayed you...are you that petty? You are going to kill him because of something that happened years ago?"

"Your job is to get what I want and then dispose of him and his daughter. I did not train you to ask questions and prod into my business, Wolfhard."

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