Sick Days

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Jughead's Pov

I woke up this morning with a raging headache but didn't think much about it. Betty and I have a date this after noon given that it's Saturday, and I'm not about to miss it. She means too much to me and we've already postponed this date for a couple weeks because of all the stuff going on with the Gargoyle king. This is the first weekend in a very long time that Betty and I are actually able to do something together, and I won't allow myself to miss it.

Even though my head is literally throbbing when I stand up, I still do so and I make my way to the shower, turning it up almost to the hottest setting considering I'm freezing cold. I undress and step in, and I just stand there as the burning water hits my skin. I lean my head against the wall and take deep breaths, well, as best I can due to my nose is also stuffy, but the steam from the hot water is helping me breathe a bit better.

I stand there for probably 10 minutes just letting the water hit me, but I then realize it's almost two and our date is at four. I quickly lather in some shampoo and conditioner into my hair, and then wash my body with Betty's favorite smelling body wash, and get out. I wrap a towel around my whole body, because when I get out I'm shaking like a leaf. My headaches died down a tiny bit, but I'm beginning to feel very achy and like I'm going to vomit. I go into the cupboard and grab a couple ibuprofen hoping that if I take that and take a short nap, it will help the nausea go away.

I grab a water from the kitchen, the towel still wrapped over my shoulders, thankful my dad isn't home because if he'd seen me like this he'd probably tell me to suck it up, and go to the back of the trailer to my room to take the medicine. After I do so, I grab one of my short sleeved S shirts and a pair of sweatpants, put those on, and grab my favorite fuzzy gray blanket so I can go and lay down on the couch.

Once my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.

Betty's Pov

I've been calling Jughead for the past 10 minutes. Once he didn't answer the first couple times, I decided to bypass Pops which was where our date was supposed to be, and go straight to Sunnyside Trailer park. It's not like him to not answer his phone, so i'm literally hoping nothing bad's happened to him.

I almost lost him once and I'm not letting that happen again.

I get out of my white beetle car and walk up to Jugheads doorway, taking a deep breath before knocking. "Juggie?" I called out. I knocked again, and again, and again, each time being disappointed with no answer. I begin to pound on the door. "JUGHEAD!" I shout, getting more than scared and feeling as though I'm going to vomit from anxiety.

Jughead's Pov

I woke up to the sound of very loud banging. At first I thought it was in my head or the dream I was having, but then I opened my eyes slightly to see Betty trying her best to see in through our tinted and blinds covered windows. I groan lightly, but then the overpowering feeling of pain courses through my throat. I raise my head up from the pillow but then quickly lay it back down when I feel a sharp pain hit it. "Fuck." I curse silently.

"Juggie! Are you here?" Betty shouts desperately trying to see if I'm here. I feel horrible. Not only physically, but I know how bad Betty's anxiety is, and I know that if she can't find me, bad things will happen. I need to get up, for the both of us.

I hold my breath as I raise my head up and again feel that same shooting pain, but instead of laying back down, I push through it. I try to stand up, and I ultimately succeed in doing so. Immedately, though, I feel the sting of vomit in my throat, and I rush to the bathroom and throw up.

"Jughead!" I hear Betty shout more concerned than she did before. Maybe she heard me? Who knows. I can't really focus right now as I feel another wave of vomit course through me, and I throw up again. "God fucking damn it." I curse.

Once I'm done I begin to hear footsteps patter in my house, and I freeze. I begin to shake, mainly because I don't feel good, but also because I'm a bit nervous. I lean my head back onto the wall as I try to catch my breath, deciding that if there were a murderer in my trailer, Betty probably would've beaten him off at this point.

The footsteps begin to get louder and louder, until finally they reach the doorway of the bathroom where I barely open my eyes to seen my blonde haired beauty looking beautiful as ever in a white tank top with a black and white plaid top over it, skinny jeans that showed off every curve, white converse, and best of all, her hair was down and complementing her shoulders.

"Oh my god, baby." Betty exclaimed once she saw me and she ran over to me. "I'm okay, love." I lie straight through my teeth.

"Juggie, you're whiter than a ghost." Betty comments. She then places her ice cold hands on my cheeks and forehead. "Oh my god and you're burning up!"

"Betty, I'm sorry. Let's go on that date." I say trying to be enthusiastic, but failing due to the pressure in my throat. "Juggie there's no way I'm letting you take me on a date. You're going straight to bed, and I'm going to make you some soup." Betty comforted as she placed her delicate arms around my neck.

"O-okay." I stutter slightly as I feel the slight feeling of vomiting hit my throat again. "Betty move." I urge. She moves and right after she does so, I vomit into the toilet. All the while, she's patting my back and comforting me.

I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.


So guys I finally got some time to write and I'm working on a few more chapters! I really hope you guys like this one. I might do a part 2 to this soon but I don't know. Let me know what you think of this, and also please give me some suggestions on what you want to read next. Okay I'm gonna work on the next chapter!!

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