What You Mean To Me

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Jughead's Pov


I have some serious things to write so listen up. You are my everything, I can swear that to you. I love us. I love how you get so excited to see me, and I love the relationship we have. I love staying up late  talking on the phone with you about anything and everything, including your darkness. Listen, I need you to remember your importance. We are both going through some pretty horrible things, and although the things we are going through are very different, I want you to know that I understand. I understand your struggles, I understand the feeling of your heart hurting, I understand crying through the pain, I understand screwed up families and families falling apart and everything in between. But I need you to know, that I love you. I love you no matter what, flaws and all. I accept and love every one of them. I want you to stop hurting yourself, stop hating things about you. Because Betty, you are beautiful and the best person ever. I don't understand why you put up with me or why you love me, but I'm lucky you do, because I truly couldn't live my life without you and the incredible girl you are. Thank you for everything you do for me, Betty baby, because without you, I truly don't think I'd be alive.

I love you,



authors note:

Heyyy guys! I'm really sorry for not updating lately, and I'm sorry that it's not the greatest chapter ever. I haven't been exactly focused and into things lately, so writing this kind of took a lot of effort. Thank you so much for reading. As always, please make sure to vote and if you know any bughead fans, please share this book!! I know I said last chapter I would do a smut chapter, but I'm kind of using a school computer.

But... I have news! During the summer, I'll finally be getting my replacment phone, so I will be able to update a lot more and a lot more often!! Sooooooo be excited for that!

Okay yea that's it! Please vote and comment if you liked it and I'll update soon!

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