Sick Days pt.2

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Jugheads POV

Betty picked me up off the ground and led me to my room. "Lay down, love." She said calmly as she placed me on my bed. I found the strength to pull the covers up over me, and Betty tucked me in.

"I'll be right back, baby, I'm gonna go make your soup. You get some rest." Betty said sweetly and I closed my eyes as I felt her soft lips kiss my forehead, sending me off to sleep.

Betty's POV

I walked out into the kitchen searching for a can of soup that I could make for Jughead. I was very concerned, I've never seen Jughead look so lifeless, and I hope what I do can help him feel better.

As I'm heating up the soup, my phone begins to ring. Lollipop lollipop ooh lolly lolly lolly lollipop...

I read the collar ID and it says Veronica. I answer in a happy tone. "V! Hey girl what's up?

"Nothin I'm just bored and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? What do you say? Pops in 10?" Veronica asks through the phone.

"V, I would love to, but I'm with Jughead right now and he's super sick and I'm making him some soup. Sorry." I apologize. I really did feel bad. Veronica is my best friend, but Jughead is sick and he needs me right now and I'm not about to leave him alone when he's like this.

"Oh, I see how it is. Have fun with your boy toy." Veronica replies coldly.

"Ronnie you know any other time I'd come and hang out with you, but I'm not leaving Jughead the way he is." I say sternly, wondering why she's being like this.

"No, Betty it's fine. Enjoy doing it with your boyfriend instead of hanging out with me." Veronica says. My blood boils and I've had enough of this.

"Veronica what's your problem!?" I shout louder than I mean to. I'm just upset. She's being way out of line to not only me, but also Jughead and Jughead does not deserve Veronica's bs.

"My problem is you won't just out and admit that you won't hang out with me because you'd rather spend the day having sex with Jughead. You just lied and said he's sick so I won't get mad, but Betty don't fucking lie to me about that!" Veronica sasses.

"Veronica Jughead really is sick, I'm not lying about that. But whatever the soup is done I'm gonna go be a good girlfriend and nurse him back to health. See you Monday." I reply coldly as the microwave goes off and I hang up without another word from Veronica.

Serves her right for talking bad about my man. Jughead is anything but extraordinary, and I won't let anyone tell me different.

I grab the hot bowl full of chicken noodle soup from the microwave and a spoon and stir it, letting the steam rise off it, and let it sit there for a minute to cool off. I take a bite of it and decide it's cool enough, and I walk back to Jugheads room.

The door freaks open as I open it and it reveals a sleeping Jughead looking cute as ever. His raven hair is messy around his perfect face, his mouth open since he can't breathe through his nose. He looked like a messy masterpiece, and I'm happy he's mine.

"Juggieeeee." I call out quietly not wanting to scare him. "Baby I have your soup."

He groans and turns over, opening his eyes slightly to look at me. I walk over to him and move his messy black curls our of his eyes, getting a feel of his hot forehead. "How's my prince charming doing?" I ask sweetly as he tries his best to give me one of his world famous smirks.

"Better now that you're here." He replies groggily and he tries to raise himself up to eat the soup. I put the bowl of soup on the bedside table and grabbed his arm to help him up. "Oh my God, my head is pounding." he groans upset.

"I know, baby, but here," I grab the bowl of soup and place it on his lap. "This'll make you feel better."

He leans down and sniffs the soup, and starts coughing afterward. I get up and pat his back, hoping he doesn't get sick again. "Do you need anything else?" I ask calmly as he calms down and starts to pick up the spoon.

"No... just you." He comments in a low voice despite him being sick. I giggle thinking he's joking or delusional, but his face doesn't change, he just continues smirking at me.

"Baby, you need to just eat." I say flatly as I sit on the opposite side of the bed by him. "I know, love, but I wan't you here by my side." he replies in his deep voice, causing me to lay down next to him closer than I should be. "Okay, I'm here." I say as I kiss his cheek, causing him to blush slightly.

"So, who were you talking to out there?" He asks out of the blue. I begin to gain my own blush on my cheeks and look up at him. "Veronica. She thought I was jipping her to have sex with you, which is completley not true concidering you're sick. But, don't worry about it, Jug, you have too much on your plate." I tell him truthfully.

With that last comment, he looks down at me again with those green eyes daring me to tell him it's not important again. "Listen here, babygirl, I know I'm very sick right now, but what Veronica said to you was not okay and I'm not going to let her treat you like that." Jughead says sternly, causing a shiver to rush through my spine.

"But, Juggie, it really is nothing. I'm okay, I'd rather be here nursing you back to health than hanging out with a friend that thinks of me that way. I love you." I say sweetly, feeling his heart start to beat faster and I smile at him trying to calm him down.

"Thank you, Betts. You're a rockstar. I love you more than anything in this world.

He continued eating the soup and we sat there in silence, I rested my head on his shoulder and every once in a while kissed his cheek and jawline. It was so sweet it reminded me of how we were when we first started dating. When he was about halfway though eating, he stopped and looked down at me with those devilish eyes that never fail to make me swoon.

"I'm done, baby." He says quietly. "Okay, I'll take it to the kitchen, you rest, love." I say as I start to get up, but he stops me. He moves the bowl to the bedside table again before he starts to lay back down, putting his arm around me. "Or, you could stay." He mutters.

"But, love." I stutter before he starts kissing my jawline sending shivers down my spine. "Don't worry, babygirl, I'll take care of you when you get sick." He smirks as he places a big kiss right on my lips.

And that's how we ended up falling asleep. With his arm around me. Me cuddling into his chest breathing him in, listening to his slow yet quickened breathing, thinking that this, laying here with Jughead Jones, is all I'll ever need.


Okay I hope you guys enjoyed! If you did be sure to vote and comment what you want to see next. The next story that I'll hopefully be uploading soon, will be based on true events, so be ready for that! K onto the next chapter!

Bughead OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora