Chapter 3: Not So Happy Campers (Part 3)

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(Mia-Bella's POV)
The next person to arrive was a short guy with shoulder length brown hair.

"Our next camper is Noah" Chris said

"You got my memo about my life threatening allergies?" he asked while passing Chris

"I'm sure someone did." Chris said surprisingly cheerfully

"Ok is this where we're staying?" Noah asked

"No it's your mother's house." Duncan said while cracking his knuckles.

"Cute. Nice piercings original. Do them yourself?" Noah surprisingly said back

"Yeah, Want one?" Duncan said, grabbing Noah's bottom lip while holding a very sharp needle.

"No thanks. Can I have my lip back now please?" Noah said calmly but clearly worried.

"Duncan!" I yelled causing him to release Noah's lip roughly while I quickly grabbed the needle. "I thought the guards and I confiscated everything"

"You can frisk me again later angel" Duncan said, giving me a wink.

Soon the boat came back with a brown skinned girl with her long hair in a high pony tail.

"What's up ya'll! Leshawn's in the house!" She waved as the boat came in.

I hear a slight gasp from Harold and knew that someone else is catching the summer romance fever.

"Hey baby. How ya doing?" She said while high fiving Chris as she passed. "Feel free to quit now cause I came to win."

"Hey what's up my brother. Give me some sugar baby." She said while high fiving the guy with the 'D' on his shirt.

"I've never seen a girl like you in real life before." Harold said and with that, my hope to watch another romance play out in real life went down the drain.

"Excuse me" Leshawna said, looking at him weirdly.

"You're real big and loud" he said

Duncan wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me away from the disaster that was about to happen.

"What did you just said to me! You have not seen anything yet! I'll show you big baby!" yelled Leshawna as she was about to attack but was held back by Bridgette and the guy with a 'D' on his shirt.

"Alright campers! settle down!" yelled Chris.

Everyone immediately calmed down and Duncan release me but stood close just incase.

The boat came and went again, leaving behind two girls. One slim, one fat. One dark skinned, one white. One tall, one short. Other than that, they both were wearing the same thing.

"Sadie, Kadie. Welcome to your new home for eight week" said Chris, pointing to the broken down old camp.

"Oh my gosh Sadie, it's a summer camp" Katie said

"I always wanted to go to summer camp" Sadie said before squealing.

Chris whined as the two excitedly passed him.

Soon after, the boat came and went in a flash.

"Ezekiel, what's up man" Chris said to a short boy in a blue tam.

"I think I see a bird." Ezekiel said while pointing to the sky, stating the obvious out of Chris's question and the sad part was that it doesn't look like he was joking.

"Look dude" Chris started, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know you don't get out much, been home schooled your whole life, raised by freaky country people. Just don't say too much and try not to get kicked off too early."

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