Chapter 2: Mine

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Jisoo took me home I didn't even want to look at Yoongis face right now. How dare he yell at a pregnant women especially if she's caring his child. I was already feeling mix emotions about the situation. I don't even know if I'm ready to be a mother I'm a third year in college and my job is still not exactly keeping me finically ready to support a little baby.
Jisoo left to work and I sat on my couch with a jar of pickles and cried to myself until all the pickles were gone. I hate feeling shitty and I didn't know how new moms are happy to have a baby on the way, but I wasn't to sure about this just yet.

**knock knock**

I open the door to find a box smiling Tae carrying a basket.
"Hey Nonna how are you feeling?!"
I sat back down on the coach and Tae places the basket on the coffee table.
"Pretty shitty. How was your guys shoot?"
"It was okay until we got a call from Jisoo that you fainted so we rushed to see you with Hyung."

"How is he? We fought you know.." Tae sighed
"We know Nonna because he got to the studio and went straight to the genius lab and has stayed there ever sense. Not even the mangers have manage to get him out."
I peeked over to the basket Tae brought curiously wondering if it was food.
"Oh Nonna! I almost forgot I got you two boxes of chocolate chip cookies three different kind of potatoes chips and a jar of pickles because Yoongi Hyung said you've been eating pickles like crazy but now we know why."
I quickly ripped the bag of potato chips open and started eating them like if it was my last meal. Taehyung giggled of surprise ness and rubbed my back.

"Thank you so much Tae! I really appreciate it, all I've been craving but I'm going to get fat and then no one will love me!" I whined and Tae shook his head of disappointment.
"Well Nonna I have to get back to work if you need anything just give me a call Okay."
"Thanks TaeTae!"

**Time Skip**

While getting out of the shower with a oversized T-shirt and some shorts. I heard someone unlocking my door nob. Once I got closer to the door a tired Yoongi walked inside.
**rolled my eyes**

Went to the kitchen and started cutting up the veggies in the process the potato moved and cut myself slightly.
"Ouch shit"
Soon Yoongi pulled my finger and took a look. Pulled my wrist and sat me down on the toilet while he scanned through the cabinet for a bandage.

"Aish Haley your never careful, always hurting yourself clumsy girl!"
I said nothing just sat there and let him take care of my new wound.
Eventually I manage to get out of his site and continue cooking.

"Are you still mad?" Not in the mood to fight him not in the condition to as well. I'm just learning that I'll be a mother and I don't know how I feel yet. Yoongi wasn't exactly helping the situation either.

"Silent treatment huh, Aish I hate it when you do that.."
"Then leave.. I have no time to argue with you right now I'm not in the right mind set okay."
*yoongi sighed*

"As your boyfriend my job is to make you happy and right now your not so happy with me, I hate that.. I love you to much to bare another fight your only mine."
Yoongi's words always raises my heart beat and the way how even if he gets me mad he always knows how to give me my space and then talk about it after.

"I'm scared.. more like I'm not ready."
"Who is? I'm really focus on my career and your in school we are not exactly ready to bring a baby into the world. But after thinking hard we can do this we will find a way. I'm sorry I snapped at you I just didn't know what to say."
Yoongi sat back in the couch and I moved around the kitchen still processing what he just said. Slowly I stood right in front of him and pouted

"But things will change I won't be pretty no more I'll just get fat and we will just get busier."
"Your carrying my child your the person I always dreamed of and want to be with, so what you'll be beautiful always to me.. let's try?"

Before I knew it Yoongi pulled me onto the couch with him and we cuddled up. Quickly he kissed my forehead.
"I know im not perfect and I'm always out and away but some how we got to make it work because I love you and I can't wait to see our child. How many months are you?"
Slowly he slid his hand under my shirt and onto my belly. Although I'm not showing yet his cold hand on my stomach caused some movement from our baby.

"Three months"
"Your mine and he or she is mine forever but if I'm honest with you I'm scared I'll fail to be a father." I giggled at his sudden cheesiness
"Wait! What about Min Holly!"
"Oh shit! I need to go feed her she's been alone."

A/n: aww cute Suga oppa as a father I've always wondered how he would be as a father when he does have kids one day. Okay thank you loves see ya

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