Chapter 8: Leaving

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Yoongi POV
** walking into the apartment late afternoon after a long day of work taking off shoes**
I found my beautiful pregnant lady laying in the couch with pickles and a blanket. Haley looked so entertained by her dramas.
The weird thing is usually when I get home she jumps up from the couch and attacks me with kisses but not today she just stayed there looking straight at the tv. Without saying anything I went over to the fridge to pick up a water bottle.

**text from Taehyung**

Tae: Hyung please don't be mad at Jimin and I we had no idea! I'm so sorry Hyung

Yoongi: Okay What did you you guys do now?

Tae: im so sorry Hyung we spilled the beans

Yoongi: Okay if your trying to prank me it's not working so cut the bullshit

Tae: no Hyung you never told us you never mentioned to Haley about the tour, and we spilled the beans! Sorry Hyung please forgive us Haley was crying.
*yoongi left on read*

Okay game over for me she's upset now and I don't want her upset with me it's not good for our baby. I kept this from her because I didn't had the heart to leave her alone and pregnant. I'm afraid of not being around when she needs me but this job is hard and I'm constantly on the go. I just didn't know how to tell her especially now I probably hurt her and I hate myself for that..

I walked towards the couch still she said no word, but I was able to see her face, Haley's eyes are puffy she must of cried. Sat down next to her and looked at her not knowing how to start.
"Hey lover how's mommy and baby doing? Did you eat well with Tae and Jimin?"
Haley didn't even look at me in the eyes she kept looking straight at the tv and then I knew I had to talk about this..

"I'm constantly hurting you and when all I'm trying to do is protect you. You mean the world to me but babe you know this idol job ain't easy. Sometimes I'm on the go without knowing when I'm coming back home."
"You don't get it, I'm not upset your doing your job for your fans. I'm just sad that you kept it from me knowing we need time to work something out now that I'm pregnant. I didn't know about this until now when you guys are leaving this Friday."
**Tried grabbing her hand but she rejected**

"I kept it from you because I'm scared to leave you alone what if you need me and I'm miles away. All I want is for you to stay healthy and don't stress but obviously I failed you.."
"Babe I'm scared your leaving too, I'm usually good at being okay with you leaving, but now I became very needy and careless. Please when you leave make sure to call me and don't over work yourself I think I can manage to take care of us on my own."
Haley never fails to make me fall in love with her ever day she's always understanding and such a strong girl. Ever sense I met her she didn't know much korean neither about kpop but she supported me no matter what..
Now that she'll be alone I will always be concern because I won't be around to wake up at 3am for her random cravings nor be around to love her and especially i'll miss touching her belly and feeling my child move with my touch.
*leaned and kissed her wiping her tearing eyes*
Yoongi sure upset me but perhaps I over reacted due to my annoying inexcusable mood swings. I spend a day crying over this when in reality I just needed to talk to him and work something out. My family lives in NewYork and I'm here all alone. Before meeting Yoongi it was just Jisoo and I living in a dorm at our high school. Sense I came to Korea to do my senior year it was all new but two years later I met Yoongi.

**Huge Time Skip to Friday Morning**

Before the boys and the staff went inside the plane I gave them a bunch of kisses and they fought over who was going to touch my belly.
I made sure Yoongi put his hoodie while he pouted staring at me..
"Make sure you don't skip meals and rest. Always cover yourself when your cold okay. Please Yoongi don't over work yourself you know army's hate to see you tired and sad. Love you take care okay" I said while placing my hands on his cheeks

"I want to make you my wife. But don't worry about me, take care of our little one okay eat well. Aish I wish I could be there to satisfy your cravings or rub your belly. I'll call you ever day!" Yoongi said whining.
Before I knew it the boys went inside their plane and I went back home to my endless of homework and cuddles with Min Holly.

I used Yoongis office computer to work on my essay in the mean time playing music to help me concentrate. Spend hours looking at the screen and working on acing my school work. I already started missing him especially because the baby moved here and there and anytime that would happen Yoongi would always place his ear on my belly and pout.
In the process of my school work I felt something fluffy cuddle up on my feet.
Looking down Holly was napping on my feet.

"Hey you, my feet is not your bed.. come here cutie."
*grabbed Holly placing her on my belly*

Holly sure distracted me from my home work and missing my lover. I took the chance for a break and hold Holly on my arms as I walked out to the kitchen.
"Hmm what about a snack? You want one?"
*places Holly down and she sat on her small but looking up at me*
Finally went over to the office with my bowl of fruit and put some dog treats on her bowl to eat.

**Text from SugaOppa🐱**

SugaOppa🐱: hows my pregnant lady?

Haley: I'm fine

SugaOppa🐱: I miss touching your belly. But have you ate already.

Haley: Nope I'm doing homework and well Holly and I are having a snack.

SugaOppa🐱: Babe, you need to eat stop doing your homework who needs school anyways lol

Haley: omg! Wanna see something?

SugaOppa🐱: if it's your boob pic then hell yess!

Haley: NO! You little nasty.. look.


Haley: The baby was moving just a minute ago

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Haley: The baby was moving just a minute ago.. my mother said if the baby moves often perhaps it's going to be a boy.

SugaOppa🐱: look how perfect you are, it must be heavy to carry our baby. I love you, daddy will be back home soon. Haley I have to go back the managers are calling us in. Love you sleep well.

Haley: Okay Oppa love you too💜

** Yoongi leaves the chat**

A/n: how cute! I just hope one day my future husband is just as lovable! I know sometimes Yoongi is pro-trade aa being cold but we all know he's a softy. Anyways see ya!

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