Chapter 16: Thats My Love

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A/n: ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ this chapter will be a huge time skip to the baby being a toddler. Also disclaimer perhaps a few small smut scenes 👀 anyways you may continue!
"I still can't believe your making Tae be your little servant. Can you stop that now!"
Ever sense Yoongi and Taehyung's fight they argue here and there even though deep down they care for each other and forgave each other already.
My Baby Seohyun is about to turn one and all he wants to do is be with his daddy. Seohyun sits on Yoongis lap whenever he's working on music and try's to mess with the keyboard.

"Can you not go to work please! Seohyun is going to miss his mommy?"
I'm getting ready for my new real-state job and all Yoongi has done is complain sense he's taking care of Seohyun all day by himself. Knowing Yoongi he's going to force my toddler to play the piano.

"Babe you'll be fine, your his dad you should know his needs. If anything text me okay.."
"Okay But What if daddy needs mommy? What will I do then?"
*kissed Yoongi, Seohyun and went off to work*

**Time Skip**

I actually really like this job I spend my day talking to costumers and satisfying there needs on owning a home. The fact that I sit on my office almost all day can be tiring but I like it, keeps me from being all motherly with my thoughts. Haven't worked in a while sense I had Seohyun so it's good to be back in business.
**text Notification**

SugaAppa🐱: Babe?
SugaAppa🐱: Haley baby! Answer me
SugaAppa🐱: mommy!

Haley: Ahh! My phone keeps vibrating. What happened my love?

SugaAppa🐱: Seohyun keeps crying I already changed his dipper, gave him food, warmed up a milk and even tried putting him to sleep but he won't stop crying. Please help daddy.

Haley: aww is Daddy struggling without mommy's help?

SugaAppa🐱: okay but why did that lowkey sound sexy? 🤭👅

Haley: Yoongi!
Haley: oh I know! Get his stuffy Mr. V out of the dryer, forgot to take it out before work. He won't sleep without Mr. V.

SugaAppa🐱: so your telling me I almost had a mental breakdown over something simple as a bear that Taehyung gave him! Haley! That would of been helpful to know..

Haley: Sorry Daddy I'll reward you later 👀. Just kidding. Have to go..

SugaAppa🐱: Don't you kid with me you know I'm sensitive. Fighting!

**closed phone went back to work**

A really nice couple came into my office to start a mortgage process and they looked so in loved. They talked about wanting to own a home together to have children and grow old together and that was just perfect to me all I could hope for.
While filing there information in the computer the younger lady kept staring at a picture of Yoongi and Seohyun.
"oh that's cute is that a picture of your son and husband?"

"Thank you but no he's not my husband that's my boyfriend and my son."
*raised two brows looking all judgmental*

"Aww it's okay, You'll marry one day. Although most say have children after marriage. But I guess not everyone thinks that way."
Completely ignored her comment and continued to work on the computer until I was done. Finally I gave the couple their documents and they quickly went on there way.

**text notifications**

SugaAppa🐱: okay I'm crying now.
SugaAppa🐱: babe..

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