Love, again (🍋)

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"Finally, we're here." Sasuke said as they reached an entrance that similar to a cave. There were stairs leading them downwards to the entrance and Kouri distinctly remembered the image. She ignored her thoughts and followed Sasuke who she had started journey together for five months now.

"You've been searching for it ?" Kouri asked, walking alongside him who was focusing into the dark hallway with his sharingan and rinnegan.

"And please don't use your eyes power too much. It'll exhaust you. This dark won't eat us up." Kouri said, a smile gently formed on her lips as she shot him a reassurance look. He looked at her for a moment before he loose the sharingan and rinnegan from his eyes, replaced with his black orbs.

Sasuke had always admired her for the past five months he had been with her. She wasn't a shinobi anymore, but she had the brave in her that didn't change. She fought alongside him even when they faced an enemy. She used the kunai Sasuke gave her for protection purpose at the fullest. 

They then finally reached at the first source of light. The place were still using fire as their source of lights but it was kinda suitable for a place like this. The grim feelings bit Kouri's back but she tried to ignore it. 

"Sasuke-kun!" a voice heard calling Sasuke from afar. Footsteps heard running close until it slowed down as they reached close enough.

"Karin." Sasuke said, acknowledging her presence. Kouri looked at him and back at the woman who looked at him with an admiring eyes. The woman also looked like they hit 30s. She was surely surrounded by old people around her now.

"Who is she ?" Karin questioned as she noticed Kouri, she felt her heart beating faster seeing Kouri in front of her, but she quickly reminded herself that the one she knew had already gone from this world for saving Sasuke. She didn't hate Kouri anymore but seeing her back in front of her made herself felt insecure. 

"Kouri." Sasuke answered and that's what took Karin's breath away. She felt like her chance with Sasuke had slimmed once again. It took years for her to win over Sasuke but now he had met a girl that looked exactly like Kouri, she felt like loosing him.

"That's absurd. She's died." Karin shook her head in disbelief while looking at Kouri up and down. Kouri crossed her arms over her chest, judging her actions who looked like she was been told bad news. 

"Where's Orochimaru ?" Sasuke asked, ignoring Karin mindless words. Karin was still shock at the revelation, but she quickly grasped herself and told Sasuke that Orochimaru was in the main room. Sasuke moved without any words and both women followed him behind.

"You're really.. Nohara Kouri ?" Karin asked, her eyes now hardened. Kouri gave her a weird look since she didn't know who the girl beside her. She had retrieved piece by piece of her memories from the past but it never reminded her of a red-haired girl that wore glasses. 

"Only Kouri.. and do I know you ?" Kouri asked, trying to remember in any of her past memories of their interactions together. Karin felt her heartbeat flipped two times faster than earlier.

"Orochimaru." Sasuke called him who was experimenting in the middle of the room. Orochimaru turned to look at him but his stares passed over Sasuke's shoulder to see a red-haired girl who had a bewildered look while talking to Karin. His eyes widened and he instantly gave undivided attention to the guests at hand.

"Kouri ?" Orochimaru said as he dismissed his experiment and walked towards them. Kouri turned at the voice who called her and her heart immediately ached along with her head. She ignored the throbs however because the feelings that surfaced in her heart was greater than them. The person stood in front of her had played a big part in her life that a tear slid down her face unwillingly. 

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