4 - Wet Dream?

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"Are you all really apart of a mafia?" Silas asked as the who room went silent, everyone had stopped eating except for Cesco who did not care for he was trying to steal Nick's food who hadn't really touch his food.

He gasped as he had let that questioned slip.

He was to focus on Nick to think before asking. "Who told you we were in a mafia?" Dom smiled evilly as he looked at Silas.

"I overheard in school," He said as Dominic hummed in response. "Yes, we are and?"Mason hissed.


Third P.O.V

Silas heartbeat increased by the answer Mason gave him. 'Shit' he thought before giving everyone a fake smile. "I think it's time I leave," he said as he got up from his seat.

"I think it is" Mason smiled. "Dad" Summer glared. "You don't have to" Paris stated as Silas shook his head in disagreement. "I think it's best if I do" he hurried before grabbing his coat off his chair then walking towards the exit.

But before he does he stopped turning around as he gave them a bow in respect saying. "Thank you for having me" he quickly said before running off.

After Silas ran off Nick wasted no time calling to guards to follow after what he knows is his to make sure he reaches home safely.

"Well, that went well" Zero sighed taking a bite of his papaya.


Once Silas was home he couldn't wait but to  relax on his bed.  But first he decided he'd take a bath.

Stripping off his clothes he quickly hopped inside the see-through shower. His eyes closed as his muscles relaxed, his ears only focusing on the sound of water until he heard a voice speak. "Relaxing isn't it" spoke Nick as Silas' eyes quickly widen before using his hands to cover himself.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Silas yelled as Nick opened the glass shower door. Silas' body froze as he watched Nick's hands touched his hands that were hiding his shaft.

Nick wasted no time pushing Silas body against the shower cold walls causing Silas body to shudder.

A moan barely audible was heard as Nick's lips moved against Silas'own. Silas dick soon began to harden as Nick's knee grinds against it.

"N-mm-ick wait-mm" Silas could barely say as he was trying to tell Nick to slow down. Silas breath ragged as Nick's mouth removes itself from his.

"Do you want me?" Nick asked as a whined escaped Silas' lips. "I-"



"Silas wake your ass up!" Silas mother yelled as Silas breath hitched as he woken up from a pleasurable dream.

"Your gonna be late for school," she said turning around to walk out of his room but stop at his door.

"Make sure get yourself cleaned up," his mother said before walking out as Silas felt that his underwear was wet.


Silas mind was distracted as he walk down the school halls. 'I had a wet dream about a boy' Silas thought as he entered his class.

'How the fuck did that happen I'm not gay?!' he continued thinking. 'I mean out of all the hot boys I've ever seen why does it have to be Nick!' he internally yelled.

"Si!" A familiar voice yelled. "Shit" Silas silently cursed. "Hey, sorry about dinner yesterday" Nick apologized as Silas' head lifted up to look at him.

"I know it was, you know, hard for you take in that my family is part of the mafia" he rambled as Silas' eyes trace over Nicks' lips remembering the pleasurable feeling he had in the dream drowning out Nick's words. He wondered if it would feel the same as it did in his dream.

Nick notice the fascination he had with his lips so he slowly licks his lips. " Is there something you would like me to do?" Nick asked biting his lip. "Yes, kiss me" Silas unconsciously blurted taking Dominick by surprised.

"I mean no!" Silas yelled as a playful smirk began to plaster on Nick's face. "Oh, really?" Nick began as Silas was internally slapping himself in his head.

"Well, -"

"Everyone sit down class about to start!"Mr. Bartley, the teacher yelled interrupting Nick.


During the whole class Nick's eyes couldn't leave Silas even though Silas body was face the other way from him.

Silas also could feel the piercing stare coming from the Dragon boy as he had come up with a plan to run out of the room as soon as the bell rang.

And with that note, the bell ranged.

"Alright, class- dismis-" Before Mr, Bartley could finish Silas had run out the room with Nick following after him

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' Silas internally cursed running down the halls with Nick following after.

Silas' eyes wander around looking for an escape route. Finally seeing Alex Italy's boyfriend ahead he quickly pushed himself further to catch up but before he could a hand had grabbed him quickly shoving him in a janitors closet. Pinning him against the wall Silas breath hitched at the stare Nick gave him. He was helpless in the position he was in.

"Did you really thought that you could outrun me" Nick deep husky voice spoke. "Look, just forget about what I said before the class!" Silas yelled.

"Shouldn't I give you what you ask for? "Nick teased as Silas still couldn't believe that he had asked Nick, a guy, to kiss him.

"I'm not ga-" Silas began to say as Nick interrupted him by slamming his lips against Silas' own.

"Mmm," Silas moaned as Nick's lips gently moved against Silas' own. Silas mind went clear as he opened his mouth for Nick's tongue to explore.

Nick wasted no time slipping his tongue inside Silas' mouth tasting every ounce of him. Nick could feel Silas' harden cock as he began to grind his hips against Silas' own.

Their mouths still against each other exploring each of their mouths but soon came to a stop as Nick's arms had let Silas go pulling himself back.

"We should stop here," Nick said before walking out of the Janitor's closet leaving Silas alone.

"Fuck!" Silas silently cursed as he just realizes what he had let happen.

"I can't believe I was about to let Dominick Dragon fuck me" he spoke.


That's it for today !

Sorry for his chapter being late!!!

Hope you liked it!


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