9 - Lost Memories....

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It's been two weeks since I've been ignoring Lucas. Of course, after I found out about the number being invalid I asked him about it and he told me that I should find a new partner. Which is weird since I didn't do anything wrong.

And so I decided to do the project with Nick and to tell you it wasn't so bad. I got to learn things about like his favorite color, meal, and sex position which is something that I didn't need to know but he insisted since we were practically going to date.

I don't know who told him that but okay.

The time had come for our project to be presented and that's what I and Nick did.

People were kinda surprised that Nick would have a partner heck they were even more surprised that Nick actually did his project.

And because of that Miss Grace said that I am now partnered up with him every time she a assign the class with group project since I have such a positive influence on him.

Oh if they only knew.

"Silas," Nick called as I begin to pack my stuff up to leave for the next class.

" Yes?"I answered putting in my backpack.

"You're coming with me to a family dinner at my uncles house" Nick says to me before walking pass.

Quickly I follow after him. " I thought you all live together?" I asked walking closely behind him.

Nick  stopped in his path before turning around to face me.

" Not them...My uncle Stefano Scorpio" Nicks says causing me to almost choke.

'Where have I heard that name before' I thought after I heard Nick say goodbye.

Sitting in class I couldn't help but still have my mind stuck on that name. Stefano Scorpio?  That name I'm sure I've heard my mom say that name before.

Suddenly a wave of pain went to my head.


"Thanks Stefano I really appreciate you helping me since Ronnie's accident," mother thanked the man standing before me and her.

The man looked about 6'2 ft tall and his hair was slicked back as everything he had on was about 100k and up.

A young man stood beside him where Stefano's hands rested on his waist.

"Well Ronnie was an old friend of mine and Silas is my Godchild " Stefano spoke running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, " Mom sighed while Stefano's eyes tread off to me.

They were cold and merciless which send a shiver down my body but for some reason, I didn't back down and continued to stare him down.

"Just like his father, " Stefano's voice says making my eyes widened.

" Silas, here," Stefano says handing me a box.

Opening the box which revealed a gun my mother quickly took the box from my hands before sending a glare at him.

"What the hell Steff, he's just a kid for god sakes!" she shouted shaking her head at Stefano.

" Mom I'm sixteen "I spoke.

" Silas, "she called.

"Yes" I answered

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