7- Decisions....

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Third Person

His cheeks shone crimson red while he quietly waits for him and Nick to arrive at school.
His mind completely occupied thinking of if Nick and he are in a relationship or what?

It's not like he wanted to be in a relationship or not but if he and Nick were a thing he would not know how to approach it.

After all, this is his first time being in a relationship or dealing with this type of stuff.

Although he didn't want to drive with Nick to school he was forcefully shoved into Nicks truck.

"Why are you so quiet?" Nick quickly peeking a glance at Silas before then looking back ahead on the road. Silas' lips went into a thin line thinking of what he should say.

"Um... I-" the words was somehow stuck in Silas' throat timid to come out.

"Are you thinking about what happened earlier?" Nick teased smiling ear to ear.

"No-no, um, what are we?" Silas asked catching Nick's attention.

"Friends obviously "Dominick joked but Silas obviously took it seriously as he hits Nick on the back of his head.

" Stop the car now!" He yelled hitting Nick who's trying to keep his attention on the road.

"Hey! I was kidding!" Nick chuckled causing a blush to creep on Silas' face.

"So...?" He queried staring at the boy who's brown hair were tied into a ponytail.

"What do you want us to be?" Nick questioned. He wanted Silas to claim him. He just didn't want him to make the decisions of everything he wanted the man he liked to say that he wants to be in a relationship with him.

"I don't know...," Silas answered as Nick pulls up into the school's parking lot.

Nick quickly parked before turning his attention to Silas.

"Silas, I don't just want you to expect that I will make the decision for you. I want you to say that you want to be in a relationship with me and not just be just because of how I make you feel sexual but emotionally too," Dominick's says before grabbing a hold of Silas' hands.

"Silas do you want to be with me?" questioned Nick.

"I don't know what I want right now but I-I want to think about it "Silas states slow removing his hands.

" So c-can I think about it?" Nick nodded. He didn't want to rush the boy as he had already claimed Silas as his.

"Um..., so let's go before the bell rings, "Silas said before opening the door of the truck to then hop out. But as Silas was hoping out of Nick's truck he was called by a certain someone.

"Hey Silas, right?"Lucas had said as he walked towards Silas. "Yeah, and you are?"Nick interrupted before Sillas could even answer. "Woah, big guy calm down I was only saying hi anyway," Lucas said to Nick who raised an eyebrow.

"And besides you can't claim someone who doesn't claim you" Lucas stated a Nick only smiled at the boy.

'I'm going to kill him' Nick thought.

"Anyway, do you want to walk to class together?" Lucas asked Silas who slowly nodded in agreement. "See you in class Nick" Silas bid before following after Lucas who began walking ahead.


Silas P.O.V

"So, are you and Nick dating?" Lucas asked nearly causing me to choke. Why the hell did asked that?!

"N-No!" I shouted drawing attention to me. Lucas quickly smiled at my answer before biting his lips.

"Why did you asked that?" I questioned as Lucas' ears begin to turn red. "So I could shot my shot with you" He answered making me blush. Am I just attracting gay guys?

"Oh," I simply said while we walked inside Miss Grace class. "Morning you two," she smiled waving at her desk. She's so nice. I could never.

Soon after a while kids then began to enter the class including Nick and Summer who I forgot who's also in this class. "Hey Silas!" she said sitting next to me where is Lucas was sitting on the right o me.

"Morning class," Miss Grace said as everyone said moring back. "Today I want you to partner up with somebody, so choose quick so we can start!" she chirped before an elbow nudged me.

"Wannabe partners?" Lucas asked which surprise me because I was just planning on doing it by myself.

"Um," I said before looking back at Nick who was talking to one girl. Who the fuck is she and why is she on my man? Wait, why am I getting riled up for? And my man? Silas, what the fuck is happening to you?

"Yeah, sure" I replied as Lucas smiled. Miss grace then grabbed our attention before telling us to do a 1500-word essay about your partner which is due in two weeks.

"So make sure you hang out with your partner and find out everything about them," Miss Grace said before the bell ringed and we all went out. I take that back about her being nice. She's the devil in disguise. Who the fuck want's to write a 1500-word essay about someone? Not fucking me!

I should've just done this alone so I could have written it about me cause I'm very anti-social.

"So, um how are we going to do this?" Lucas asked smiling at me

"I don't know maybe I go by your house or the library?" I suggested as Lucas quickly shook his head at the idea of going to his house.

"The library sounds good, " tilting my head dumbfounded before simply nodding.

"Wednesdays and Fridays?" Nodding my head to his question he only grinned before walking away.

But stopped as he forgot something running quickly to me.

"Give me your phone," he says making me puzzled. "Excuse me?" I replied

"So you could contact me" he smiled. Okay.

Taking out my phone I quickly handed it to him.

"Okay, here you go," he says placing my phone back in my hand.

"See you, then," He said before walking down the hall. Soon enough another presence was by my side.

"So you and Lucas, huh?" Nick scowled. Is he jealous?

"Yeah, we're planning to meet at the library on Wednesdays and Fridays," I said beginning to walk to my next class.

Nick quickly caught up to me as he still continues to interrogate me.

"So what time and library? " he asked as I stopped in place.

Mm, I forgot about that...

"I don't know but I think I'll just text him the info " and that when Nick stopped in his footsteps.

"He gave you his number?"Nick asked whole I nodded. Damn did he not hear me the first time?

"Yes, Nick" I answered before I was pushed against the lockers.

"Hand me your phone" he growled.

My eyes glared in his in defiance who the hell does he think he is.

"No" I spat.

Hey guys sorry for the mistakes this will be edited when I come back home.

I hope you like it bye!

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