Cesco Chronicles 8 - Discriminating?

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My eyes widen at what Francesco had just told my father. And in which in return my father shook his head before saying something.

"I think you are in no position to tell me what I can say or do to my son," My father snarled.

The air became intense as a smile began forming on Francesco's face. My father's eyes diverted from Cesco's seeing how dark they've become.

"Might I remind you, Mr. Dallas, that you work for my father, " Cesco announced.

My father mouth twitched in anger before he began to outburst.

"You think I care?! Aiden is my son! My son! He will listen to what I tell him to do! And what I'm telling you him to do is to leave you!" he yelled. This was the first time I've ever seen my father riled up. I have seen him angry but my brother Six and my mother would always be the one to calm down.


"Shut up! Shut up Aiden! I fed you, I clothe! You! I even tried to accept you being gay for your mother! Why couldn't you be like your brother?!" he yelled making me flinch.

Tears began to form in my eyes as the words my father spat broke my heart.

"All I wanted was normal sons! Sons who get married to a woman and have children, a family but instead I got you!"  Cesco's hands quickly grabbed my hands for comfort.

"I can't even stand to look at your face anymore, get out!" he shouted.
Before I could even speak he raise his hand shooting his head.

"Get out of my house, Aiden since you want to be some boy's bitch, " he growled taking me back.

Cesco pulled me closer towards him before whispering something in my ear.

"I'm right here, I got you, Aiden," he murmurs. His hands intertwined with mine as he pulled me along with him outside my house.

But before we walked out of my house Francesco paused saying something.

"Watch your back, Mr. Dallas it would be a shame if something happened to you, " Cesco chuckled making me shiver.

Once we made it inside to his car he immediately pulled out his phone calling someone.

Knowing his phone was connected to his cellphone I couldn't help but be shocked by a deep demanding voice that boasted.

"What is it, son?" the man spoke.

" Fire Nathan Dallas, Pops" he simply stated as though he wasn't talking about my father.

How does he even know my father first

"Okay, no problem anything else?" his father is what I presumed questioned.

"I won't be home for a while I'll be at my beach house, "

"Alright, " he says.

Cesco hanged up his phone before turning his gaze towards me.

"You'll be staying with me at my beach house until things with your dad cool down," he says placing his hands onto mine.

Meeting my eyes with his I couldn't help but bite my lip in thought.

"Cesco, I couldn't-"

"You can and you will, baby boy," his voice deepened.

"Okay, but at your beach house? I need my clothes, "I pointed out only to hear a hum in response.

"You can just walk around my house naked," he joked lighting up my mood.

"What about school? You know I can't," I giggled.

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