Cesco's Chronicles 2 - Another taste...

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People whispered as they see me a small petite boy make his way down the hall.

"Freak, Twink, and Fag," were all the words I heard but I chose to ignore it because I was used to it and none of them were brave enough to confront me. And also they were fake, one moment they would smile all up in your face and the next they would be laughing about you.

That was the reason I really didn't have that many friends. But besides that, I had other things to worry about like Cesco.

I couldn't believe that Cesco had kissed me and somehow a voiced in my head said I should forget it.

There's no way one of the Dragon boys would kiss me, I'm too weird. I was so deep in my thoughts when I was interrupted by the crowd pushing me to the side.

It turns out to be the Dragon Triplets finally had reached making their dramatic entrance. Dominick with his arm around Silas, while Summer and Italy strunt their way through, and lastly was Cesco, who was dreading with every step.

He appeared to look very bored and uninterested. His eyes looked around as though he was searching for someone.

Wait he couldn't be?

His blue eyes quickly locked with mine making me gasp. Oh shit!

He was looking for me!

Quickly turning I tried making myself go deeper in the crowd to lose his gaze when a voice had called out to me.

"Aiden!" he yelled turning all attention to me. Everyone seemed surprised and stunned that Cesco had talked to someone besides his siblings and appeared to be smiling.

Francesco Dragon was actually smiling at me right now.

This tall ass boy really made his way over to me grinning ear to ear. Everyone cleared a path for him as he walked.

To be honest he looked adorable but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be on guard.

"I was hoping we could walk to bio together?" he asked. Looking behind him I could see his siblings and Silas stared at me smugly nodding there heads.

"Um, okay?" I responded sounding more like a question. A small grin appeared on his face before his hand gently gripped onto mine pulling me along.

Am I dreaming or something because no way this is true that Francesco is holding my hand and walking me to class.

I could feel his hand squeeze mine tightly as though asking for my attention. Looking up there came his same old nonchalant expression on his face but his eyes said something differently.

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