Love Goes Awry

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Ai smiled as she walked into class. She placed her bag on her desk, one in the far back, and happily sat down.

She looked out the window but turned when a set of hands where placed against her desk.

She looked up and saw (Y/N) wearing a frown.

"Hi, (Y/N)! I'm Ai Itta." She placed her hand out for a handshake.

Instead, (Y/N) glared at her.

"U-um... d-did I do something too upset you?" Ai pulled her hands into her lap.

"Yes." (Y/N) growled. "Yes, you fucking did."

"O-oh... I'm sorry. W-what did I do?"

"You..." her eyes softened. "You... did your job."


(Y/N) sighed and shut her eyes. "You saved me. Why did you save me?"

"O-oh... you were falling and... wait, you saw me?"

"Yeah, course I did."

Ai smiled happily. "Cool!"

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Because you saw me!"


"Well, I don't really have presence so it's really rare for someone to notice me. But you did! So we're bound to be friends."

"Hmm. That's weird. I came over here yelling, and you still wanna be my friend?"

"Well, yeah? Why not?"

(Y/N) froze. "Why... not..." she repeated.

"Mhmm! You could be my first friend."

(E/C) eyes met blue ones, a confused look met an excited smile.

"Y'know what? I can't think of a reason to say no."

Ai happily stood up and grabbed (Y/N)s hands. "Yes!"

Ai brought out her phone and made a gesture asking for her phone number, (Y/N) somewhat happily took her phone and imported her number.

"Here." Ai sent a text. "That's me."

(Y/N) pulled out her phone and added Ai as a contact. "Wanna eat lunch with me and my friend Shinsou?"

Ai beamed. "Y-yeah!"

When the lunch bell rang, (Y/N) walked over too Ai's desk and offered too walk her there.

Ai obviously agreed, so the two walked together and sat at the table.

Back to your perspective

You walked with the cyan haired girl, her bubbliness rubbing off on you. "Hey, Shinsou!" You smiled. "This is my friend, Ai."

"Not another stalker, I presume?"

"Nope, thankfully!" You smiled and looked at Ai who looked like she was going to cry. "Ai? What's wrong?"

"I-I... you guys noticed me...!" She happily sat down and wiped away tears.

"Oh, come on. We said we were friends, so of course I noticed you." you smiled at her, regretting yelling at her earlier.

She beamed and looked at Shinsou. "O-oh! I think I know you... you went to Nabu Middle School, right?"

"Hmm? Yes, I did."

"Yeah, you're Hitoshi Shinsou! The guy with the villain Quirk... well, I don't think it's a Villain Quirk. I think it's a 'you,' Quirk."

"A 'me,' Quirk?"

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