Frozen Heart

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You and Denki walked back to the base in cryptic silence.

You could feel that something was different within you.

You could feel something was different with Denki.

You looked over and him and searched for something new or different. You found nothing.


"Sensei, was it really that big of a deal?"

"Yes. It is quite significant how long the drug came into effect. Maybe it is triggered by violence..."

"I'm sure that's right, Sensei."

"No matter. I'll have someone work on it for the meantime. Oh, and Tomura?"

"Yes, Sensei?"

"I... I feel like something will go wrong. Stay alert when it comes to the newcomers."

"What? Should I just kill—?"

"No, no. For now, they are harmless. Time will tell I suppose..."

"WE'RE BAAAACK!" A muffled voice yelled.

"Go, take care of them."

"Yes, Sensei." The computer screen flipped off.

Tomura walked out into the main space and glared at the two teenagers wearing bloodless clothes.

"Did you kill her?"

"Check the news."

Tomura raised an eyebrow and slowly turned, four of his fingers grabbing a tv remote and switching it to the news.

"Twenty year old Morgan Brawnwyn was killed while walking home from work. She was shot twice in the head, with no evidence of anyone attacking her. Nothing was stolen. Authorizes believe an invisibility or time-stopping Quirk was used."

You puckered your lips and whistled. "Maybe we shoulda taken something."

"I don't care. You still need to kill the other two. These two won't be as easy."

Denki laughed and gave a thumbs up. "I'm sure it'll be nothing for my boo and me!"

You laughed and pulled him into a tight hug.

Tomura groaned in disgust and walked away.


All Might held his head in his hands. "Eraser..."

"I KNOW!" Aizawa shouted his fingers crinkling the files on (Y/N) and Kaminari.

Nedzu calmly placed his tea on the desk. "I'm sure we will find them and save them from what the villains are doing—or did—to them."

"But what if...?" Midnight spoke quietly. "You saw the look in her eyes... Aiko might be hospitalized for weeks."

Aizawa read the files once more searching for clues.

"We have to look at this objectively. No, I don't think they would kill her unless they had no choice." Cementoss added in.

"But?" Midnight looked at him.

"But... with their Quirks combined I don't think anyone could actually cause any harm to them."

A silence fell over the room.

"Maybe their families were in danger?" Aizawa spoke with exhaustion and stress dripping off every word.

"Let's be realistic. (Y/N) could force her family to relocate while saving Kaminaris family."

"Do you think she could convince Katsuki to leave UA? I don't think All Might himself could do that..."

"Thean she would tell him or us and let us save him!" All Might's voice cracked.

"Why are you so desperate for her to be evil?!" Aizawa yelled.

"BECAUSE THAN... if... if I could of saved her and failed... than I'm not a hero. I'm a failure."

"No. We all failed." Nedzu was unrealistically calm.

"Nedzu why are you so calm...?"

He took a long sip of his tea and sighed. "A couple years ago I had a student. Her name was Shiro Kuro. She was cold, manipulative and harsh. Her Quirk was relatively weak, a mediocre version of Telekinesis."

He took a deep breath, his hands beginning to shake. "Shiro was an amnesiac. She was always having memories of some boy... but... she can't remember who. One day, she remembered. It was in the middle of class when every pencil shot into the air and killed the students and the teacher."

"The UA massacre..." Aizawa whispered under his breath.

"Yes. She was the lone cause of that. I, of course, kept the details from the public and said it was because of a freak accident. Only the teachers present during that time knew, and they had sworn secrecy. Now, she has adapted the name Ice Queen."

The heroes stiffened.

"Ice... Queen?!"

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