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Nightwing stood atop of a apartment building in Bludhaven.

Tears threatened to fall behind his mask, he stared down at a picture in his hand.  Him and a friend...

A Brother...

Flash Back...

"Names Jason Todd, A.K.A, the second Robin." The young kid, that he helped take a gang out, said with a cocky smirk.


"I'm sorry! I never knew it was your mother's name!  Dang it, I'm so flippin sorry!  It wasn't mine to take or treat carelessly or brag about or-"

"Jason..."  Dick put a calm hand on his brothers shoulder as he knelt down.

"It's true that Batman can't really give you Robin, since it was my name..." He stated.  "So!  Jason Todd, how would you like to be Robin?"  Dick smiled.

Small arms wrapped around him.


"He just doesn't get it! I saved his sorry, dumb butt!  This is the thanks I get? Benched!?"  Jason complained, still in the Robin suit, without the boots, gloves, belt, and mask.

A heavy sigh came from the other brother.  "I know, Jason, believe me, I know." He said, honestly.

"He can be hard to deal with and unreasonable, but-"

"Unreasonable? There's just no reason with this guy!"  Jason interrupted, throwing up his hands.

"I just can't figure out how to make him- proud.  Mabey I just failed..."  He added.

Strong arms surrounded him.

"If you can't make him proud, make me prouder than I already am."  His big brother said.


The second Robin typed at the Bat computer, studying some cases. 

Suddenly, the boys seat leaned back.  "Smile ."  The voice of Nightwing said.

"Dick..." Jason complained, although amused.

"Pleeeeeaaase."  Dick begged.

Jason couldn't help but give a small chuckle and smile at the phone.



The dams broke, and the land flooded, and tears flowed.

Quiet sobs sounded unheard through the night air, as the usual smiley, joking, annoying, but loveable Nightwing/Dick Grayson... broke.


Hope you enjoyed.  If you have any requested one shots, comment them below, and I may accept.  Thank you.


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