
523 37 1

Dickie Bird
Jason, stop.

Jay Bird
Stop what?

Dickie Bird
Being stupid.

Jay Bird
But I'm so good at it!

Dickie Bird
Got that right.  Your legit up on Wayne Enterprise's building, screaming "I MADE THIS FOR YOU!"

Jay Bird
Bruce shouldn't have banned Julian Smith from me. 

Dickie Bird
Your still mad about THAT

Jay Bird
Dude, the guy is amazing and hilarious.  Then Bruce walks in, insults it, and kills it. Just like he did me!

Dickie bird
I'm so done with you right now.

Jay Bird
You do that then.


Jay Bird
Diiiick. Demon spawn is stalking me again.

Dickie Bird
What did you do now?

Jay Bird
Why is it always my fault!?

Dickie Bird
When is it not?

Jay Bird
That's beside the point.

Dickie Bird
Is it?

Jay Bird
Bro, just get the brat away from me. 

Dickie Bird
What am I supposed to do? Smack his hand and say "No no."?

Jay Bird
Okay, I will pay you 50 bucks to do that.

Dickie Bird
👏  No no.


Dickie Bird
I'm only going to ask this once.  Why, in the world, is there Red Hood helmets flooding the Manor? 

Jay Bird
Interesting quiestion.

Dickie Bird
Why are your helmets flooding the Manor!?

Jay Bird
Thought you were only asking once.

Dickie Bird

Jay Bird

Dickie Bird
Your grounded.

Jay Bird
Says who?

Dickie Bird
Says me, Bruce, Tim, and Damian.

Jay Bird
So what?

Dickie Bird
Oh, and Alfred.

Jay Bird
Oh crap.


Jay Bird Shared A Photo

Jay Bird

Dickie Bird
That's amazing!

Jay Bird

Dickie Bird
Also, when did you get a cat?

Jay Bird
Gotta go drug bust 5th street canes bye

Dickie Bird
Okay, first, that's a sad lie.  Seeing as the ring on 5th was busted two weeks ago, and your trained by the bat and should remember that(I rymed). Second, where did that cat come from?

Jay Bird
Her mother.

Dickie Bird
Where. did you. Get. The cat?

Jay Bird
I'm returning her! Don't worry!

Dickie Bird
Who did you even steal it from!?

Jay Bird
Who else? Selina.

Dickie Bird
You idiot.

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