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Requested By 》 Teaismychild

Mt. Justice - 8:13 - Jason Todd's Anniversary


"Recognized, Batman, B-0-1."

Batman stepped out of the zeta tube once the light faded.  His dark cape gave him a dramatic effect.  One the first Robin would often comment on. 

"Ya know, your a drama king."

"Says the performer."

"Least I had a excuse."

"And I Don't?"

"... Not a good one."

"Whatever you say, chum."

The Dark Knight covered his smile with his usual emotionless expression.  It wasn't hard, cause once he came back to the present, he knew those times where over...

Oh, what he would give to bring them back. 

He kept a steady pace, and approached the common room.  As he had suspected, there sat Nightwing at the monitors. 

The young hero typed franticly on the keyboard, his masked covered eyes studying the information the screen displayed.  His mouth was curved into a harsh scowl, and his shoulders were stiff.

As Batman continued his assessment of his ward, NightWing spoke. 


"... You shouldn't be here."


"NightWing."  Batman struggled to hold the growl out of his voice.

Nightwing turned the chair around to face his former mentor.  He wasn't glaring, not even scowling.  His face was empty.  The silence was heavy, and suspense thick.  Finally, the boy spoke, quietly, and defeated.

"He shouldn't have been there... shouldn't have been here." 

"Chum..."  Batman tried, but he felt tired himself.  Heavy with sorrow, and feelings he couldn't explain.

NightWing gathered himself, and scowled.  He turned his chair back around to study the computers.  "Don't call me that."  He said.  "I'm not your chum. Not your partner."

"Nor was Jason..." He began.

"You know, he tried so hard to please you... tried to live up to your standards.  Keep his temper in check, follow your golden rule, and do everything just like you."  Nightwing informed.  Batman listened, his heaviness growing.

"He was such a punk..."  The acrobat chuckled a bit.  "Kid was disappointed when you failed to notice him save your life once." Batman's mouth gaped a bit, his masked lenses widening.

Another chuckle, but darker.  "Oh, yeah. Just like you failed to notice alot of things.  So, many, things..."  Nightwing paused, before choking on a small sob, continuing to glare at the screens.  "But I failed to.  Not just you."  He stated. 

"I didn't protect him..."

"He was my, Robin. Robin was always mine. Not yours."

"Just like he wasn't your family.  No... you didn't take the time to notice him.  At least I tried... wasn't enough, in the end.  But he was my brother... my little, brother."

Batman lowers his head, sensing that Nightwing was finished, and dismissing him. 

He felt shame.  It was hot, and burned him from the inside out.  He felt like he could choke on it.  His heart kept tugging, with never ending strikes of grief, hurt, and fear.

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