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Bat Cave - 4:23 AM

Dick Grayson, the last Flying Grayson, and first Robin, oldest bat kid, and now the second Batman, sat at the computer, typing away.

Damian, the newest Robin, was asleep, after a glare from Alfred.  Unfortunately, the glare wasn't working on the newest Batman. 

Dick sat in the chair, that once had always been occupied by his adopted father, Bruce Wayne, the first Batman, who was now dead...

Dick narrowed his blue eyes and typed harder.  Focusing souly on the case lay out and patterns in front of him, glowing on the computer monitor.  Being to focused on ignoring his thoughts, he didn't hear the steps of a new comer until they spoke up.

"You're either ignoring me, or I'm just that good."  Red Hood, A.K.A Jason Todd, announced his presence.

Dick slightly flinched, but that was alot for someone who was trained by the first Batman.  His hopes of it going unnoticed were worthless.

"Dickie Bird, you alright?"  Jason asked, tilting his head a little.  He didn't have his helmet or mask on. 

When Jason had been informed of Bruce's death, he didn't know how he felt.  He still felt angry, that Bruce hadn't loved him as much as the others, and he felt angry at himself for holding a grudge with a deadman, and then he felt sad.

Sad, because Bruce was still a father, if slightly, to him.  Bruce had taken him in, and off the streets.  Gave him a chance. 

Then Jason was mad again cause no matter what, he couldn't make the ding bat proud. 


After Jason got through that mess, he thought about the others.  Alfred, Replacement, the demon, and Dick.

Alfred had lost a son.

Replacment- Tim- lost a mentor.

Demon spawn lost his father that he never got to know.

And Dick... Dick lost his dad.

Everyone knew the two were the closest.  They could practically read each other's minds.  Dick could get Bruce to listen, and Bruce could get Dick to slow down. 

But now there was no Bruce.

Everything would fall off balance.

So Jason decided to jump headfirst into the fire. 

Dick kept typing the keyboard.  "Dandy."  He said with a added smirk.  It seemed like glass, weak and needing one more hit.

Jason was going to have to make that last hit, and break it.

"Dick, slow down." 

Dick, slow down. 

Same thing Bruce had once said to the eldest when he took on too much or worked to hard.  A simple statment, that was all that was needed.  Now, it seemed like only a ghostly phrase.

The reaction was immediate. 

Dick grit his teeth too hold back a sob trying to escape his throat.  He swallowed and shut his eyes, rubbing them with his hand.  "Not now, Jay..."  He quietly whispered. 

Jason sighed lightly, walking towards his brother.  He placed a hand on his shoulder and knelt down beside the chair.  His height that was granted by the pit allowed him to be eye to eye with his brother.

"Yes, right now." Jason said.  "Dick, Alfred has mourned, Tim has mourned, and I have too... so has the brat, in his own way."  Jason went on.

"I- I can't, Jay." Dick brokenly informed.  "How can I? I... I'm the Bat now... with a Robin beside me.  I can't let Damian down, or- or Tim."  He told Jason.  "They expect it.  Bruce- Bruce would want it... right...?"  He gazed at the floor.

"No."  Jason responded. "No, he wouldn't.  He would want you happy, Dickie.  He doesn't want... this."  He stated.  "Who said you had to be Batman?  No one expects it..." 

"Gotham... Gotham needs the Bat.  Damian needs Batman, and he needs Robin.  It's expectations..."  Dick weakly said.

Jason shook his head, squeezing Dicks shoulder.  "No.  Gotham needs heros.  Nightwing, Robin, Red Hood, and whatever Tim is now."  He supplied.

"This family needs you, but we are all in this together, stupid." He smirked, before letting it fall.

"Dick..."  He gently said, which wasn't used much by him.

The silent nudge shattered the glass.  Causing the new Batman to let a sob out, and tears fall.  Mourning his father, letting burdens lighten, and releasing frustration and sorrow.

Jason simply hugged him while he cried, tears falling from his green eyes too. 

But they would make it.

They always did.

It was expected.

This was quickly done, nothing else to say besides...

I haven't proof read, so...





I came back and read this and... wow.  Typos and autocorrect.  He gritted his teeth too hold back a DOG?  Nice one, past me...

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