Not This Time

540 31 3

Third Person POV

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaa!



The laughing was... insane, mad, chilling, and wrong.




Red Hood, A.K.A Jason Todd, sat slumped, tired in a chair. All secret weapons confiscated. Hands and feet bound together, and torso tied to the chair.

His red helmet was gone, along with his mask. He wasn't Red Hood, now, he was just Jason.

Who was currently held captive by the one who haunts his dreams. The one who is his living nightmare. The one who's killed him.


The smiling clown seemed to tower above him. The hideous, red covered, inhumanly wide smile wide across his ghost white face. Laughing ringing out from him.




The crowbar was hit agasint the ghostly white, cold hands of the clown prince of crime.


This time, the crowbar was hit agasint the captive, Jason Todd. Sending his head to the side. A bruise already forming.

The cold hands grabbed the hair of Jason's head, lifting his head up, to face the monster in the eyes.

The eyes

Insanity filled them. Madness, and horror. The feeling it sent upon anyone who dare to look at them was so very unexplainable.

Jason Todd did his best to return the wild gaze with a stern glare. He succeeded, but in all honesty, he was afraid.

"Brings back memories, does it not?" The smooth voice of the Joker began.

"We had such good times, you and I." The smile, it never seemed to fall one bit. If anything, only widen.

"Remember the good old days? The days of a cocky little Robin, bold and proud." He went on. The look of insane joy seemed to leave. Although the smile always stayed, his tone seemed to become serious.

"Oh, but alas, what goes up, must come down."

The grip on his hair tightened, and pulled harder. The teen gritted his teeth, holding his glare.

"You stained my rep!" The clown growled. "You just, had to go- kill the fun, didn't you!" He seemed to whine.

"And how history repeats it's self." His smile fell, but it only seemed to make it worse.

"Just like last time, there will be no one to save you!" The clown declared. "All alone..." He seemed to sing. "No mother, no brother, no Batman."

"This time, you'll stay dead. With no one... to even... care."

"Just like last time."

The sound of a switch blade came. Jason Todd closed his eyes. Accepting, yet again, death.


"Not this time." A voice said. Strong and confident, and to a trained vigilante, ticked off.

The second Batman held Jokers hand, which held the blade that he wad going to run through the other hero.

In one swift motion, he jerked the clowns arm, making a loud pop go off, and then knock the monster out.

Jason opened his eyes, to see the sight of the Joker on the floor, out like a light.

And the second Batman standing above him. A smirk on his face.

"Dick...?" Jason's voice asked, rough and hoarse.

The smirk only grew. "No named on the feild, little wing." He responded.

Jason Todd only shook his head, a faint smile on his face. With that, he sunk into peaceful unconsciousness, knowing that his brother saved his tail.

He won't die...

Not this time...

So yeah, during this time Dick is the big bad bat.


I am taking requests, so if you have one, please comment.

Thank you.


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