Nighty Night

598 38 4

Dick Grayson's POV

I rub my face with my hands.  I'm wearing my Nightwing gear, so the outsides of my gloves feel rough agasint my skin.

I keep my hands on my head as I glance up at the computer, checking the time down in the corner.

3:43 AM

I need to go to bed, but I still have work to do. 

Young Justice missions debriefing info, missions reports, log ins, security checks, progress update, shall I go on?

That's not including general bat clan work.  Such as, reports, case updating, log ins, and more.

I reach over and sip my coffee.  I've been on a working streak for three days now.  Technically, four.

I set the mug down and start typing out more codes for computer check in programming.  Blame Batman... stupid bat paranoia.

8:12 AM

Third Person POV

The young justice founding members- Conner, Megan, Kalder, Artemis, and Wally (NO, HE ISNT DEAD, I DO NOT APPROVE OF SUCH A THING:()stood in the kitchen, each having a cup of coffee or cereal.

"Is Nightwing still at it?"  Conner sighed, able to hear clicks of keys on the keyboard and clicks of a mouse.

Wally sighed next-  "Full force."  He answered.

Artemis groaned.  "What do we do this time?  Batman isn't here to handle it, he's off world."  She said.

"Indeed, but we must not allow this to go on much longer."  Kalder stated.  "But I fear we will be unable to do anything to stop it."  He added.

It was silent for a moment.  Everyone looking down at the floor, in thought.

"OH!"  Wally exclaimed suddenly, getting everyone's attention.  "I know someone who can!"  He informed.

"Well, who is it, Baywatch?"  Artemis asked, rather impatient.

"His brother..."  He smirked.

8:53 AM

"Red Hood - B - 0 - 19."

Red Hood headed straight over to the large computer monitors where Nightwing still sat. 

"I got a call saying you apparently won't turn off the TV and go to bed like a good boy. Explain."  He said, leaning agasint the wall beside the computers.

"I've just got a little work to finish up, then I'll head home."  Was his bad explanation.

Red Hood sighed.  "You and I both know that's a lie."




"Yes, it is."


Red Hood pushed off the wall and walked over to Nightwing, who still never stopped typing. 

Red Hood put his hand on Nightwings shoulder.  The tired hero's eyes widened beneath the mask. 

"You didn't just..."

"I did."

"Your a jerk."

"What's new?"

Nightwing put a hand over his eyes,  his body relaxing, gradually yielding to the sedative.

"Nighty night."  Red Hood smirked under the helmet as his brother slumped in the chair, out cold.

Red Hood chuckled a little.  Holding up his glove, which had a needle on the index finger tip.  A sedative.

He hid the needle back in the glove before picking his idiot older brother up bridle style.

He made his way back to the zeta tubes, passing the smirking figure of Wally West, leaning agasint the wall.

"Thanks, Red."

"Didn't do it for you."

"Awww, I'll tell Dick when I see him next time."

"Shut up before I shoot you."

"Recognized: Nightwing - B - 0 - 2.

Red Hood - B - 0 - 19."

So in this story, only the founding members of young justice know about Jason Todd and all.  The rest know him as a solo act like Red Arrow.

Wally West is alive, cause I hate his death with a passion.

Dick did not leave the team for a while or blah blah blah.  Season three hasn't occurred

Yes, I changed a chunk of it, but eh, does it matter?

Not really.

Unless your that kinda person.

Which is fine.


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