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Nightwing's POV


Just great...

One minute I'm scouting a drug transaction, then it turns out to be a trap set up by Black Mask. The trap consisted of other lunatics such as gun men, block buster, and Scarecrow.

Black Mask seemed to be selling drugs to Scarecrow. When I decided to intervene in my usual style of jokes, the room was filled with the echo of gunshots.

Block buster had...busted...through a wall inside a office building. Scarecrow vanished, waiting no doubt. Black Mask was barking orders, cursing, and fireing at me.

Black Mask was a dang good shot to, blasted all...

Black Mask went all out this time. His genius mind went to double time with this strategy. He baited his trap perfect...

I was pulled out of my thoughts by another punch from Block Buster. Dang- there went my other Escrima stick...

I side stepped the next punch, then rolled to his side and went to kick him in the stomach.



He twisted my leg before lifting me up, then threw me at the rubble pile that was the remains of the wall he came through. My head hit a brick, dazing me. long has it even been? 20...30 minutes? Mmphhhg...

I tried to lift myself off the ground, I was bone tired. I stayed up to late looking up Slade again, along with a early police shift.

I had my arms lifting my torso a little, but that in itself was hard enough. I looked up, my vision blurred badly, my bangs in my face, and blood dripping into my eye lashes...

A dark shape loomed over me, either Block Buster or mabey Mask...



Red Hood POV


Dumb idiot

Who am I talking about? Who else? Dick.

The idiot was fighting way more than he can handle. Which I believe he knows, but he isn't backing out!

I watched as Block Buster through Nightwing into the rubble. I knew right then...

Dick was done.

I huffed before jumping down from the office building window I was perched at. I landed nearly on top of Nightwing, and I now stood on the pile of rubble, shooting anything that moved.

A few shouts and thumps of bodies falling was heard, before Block Buster rushed forward.

I jumped and landed on his large shoulders. I took me to guns and smashed the butts of them into both his temples.

I jumped off, and kicked Black Mask in his masked face. He went for a knife, before I shot his arm and knocked him out as well.

Any henchmen that didn't die or run, got knocked out.

I holstered my guns and walked back over to the limp form of my older brother.

Doesn't this bring back memories...

Flash Back

He held his bleeding shoulder as he sat with his back on the ally wall.

His adopted older brother took the last crazed Gotham shooter out before walking over to him.

Nightwing knelt down beside Robin, a small smirk on his lips, that did not reach his voice.

"You okay, Little Bird?"


He knelt down beside Dick, rolling him over rough, but still gentle for Jason.

Nightwing gave a harsh cough before blinking up at Red Hood hazily.

"You Okay, Big Bird?" Jason asked, a smirk on his lips that could be seen even with the helmet on.

Dick gave a small smile and weak chuckle. "Does it look that bad?" His hoarse voice asked.

Jason shook his head and laughed before picking his brother up bridle style and heading back to the mansion.

Flash Back

"Does it look that bad?"

Robin, Jason, asked. Moving his hand off his shoulder.

Nightwing laughed a little. "Depends on your point of view..."

"I'm so benched, aren't I?"



Nightwing laughed and picked his little brother up gently, bridle style. Heading to his NightCycle.

"I can walk, Wing Nut..."



The End...

Any stories you want to see about these two? Comment and I'll try them out!


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