First Night

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Jason Todd POV

"You ready for your first night?" 

Nightwing asked as he walked to stand in front of me. 

I held my mask in my hands.  I looked at it, unsure. 

What if I screw up?

What if I disappoint Batman?

What if I get someone killed?

What if I get killed?

What if...



I was taken out of my ' What Ifs' by a heavy feeling on my shoulder.  I looked over quickly, surprised, and saw a gloved hand on my shoulder.

I looked up to actually notice him standing there for the first time.  He bent down to my level -promise I'll be taller than him oneday- and looked me in the eyes.  His mask off, in his other hand.

"Hey...I know it alot to take in." He started.

"Not knowing what's gonna happen... it's scary."  He said.

Dick was right, but I wasn't gonna admit that he was!

"Mabey for you."  I retorted.  Although my voice was trying to betray me, but my eyes already did. 

Dick just smirked.  "Kid, it still scares me." He admitted.

His smirk faded.  "Just don't push yourself, there's nothing to prove.  Do your best, and don't die." 

I swallowed and did a sort of shakey sigh. 


I smirked.

"Don't forget about annoying Batman."  I added.

Dick beamed.  "Now your really getting it!"  He laughed, standing up to his full height. 

"Nightwing, Robin, let's go, we don't have all night."  Batman said, coming out of the changing room. 

"You got it, boss!"  Nightwing replied, putting his mask on and heading towards his cycle.

I put my mask on, smirk still on my face, and followed them.


A Year Later


Nightwing stood on top of Wayne Enterprise's,  looking out over Gotham.

"I said dont die..."

Heeeeeey, how ya doin?  Okay, I really dont know what to say here....




If you have any request for these two brothers, let me know!


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