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Third Person POV

"Whoop whoop!"

"Stop shouting you idiot!"


"Frick you!"

"Frick you too!"

Nightwing And Red Hood both fought agasint some sort of secret agents (neither paid attention to B's long briefing) that were doing something....illeagle...the usual!

Although stupidly arguing while kicking tail, both had a smile on their faces at the absolutely stupid situation.

The poor bad guys... they just have no clue what's going on anymore.

Jason kneed a lunging agent in the gut, then hitting his head with his gun. He looked over to check on Nightwing with a quick glance.

Nightwing ducked under a punched aimed for his head, then swept his leg under the guys feet, knocking him down before knocking him out with a heel stomp.

Yeah, these guys didn't stand a chance...


Jason's POV

Smashing the last wanna be spy guy's head into the concrete, I popped my neck and rolled my shoulders.

"Ugh, this is exhausting..." I complained.

A cackle was the first response from my adopted big brother. I looked around for him, though I didn't see him.


"Dude, not even another Bat can keep up with your magic acts. The frick are you?" I complained, although a smirk hidden by my red helmet.

"Get traught, Little brother." Nightwing's voice replied.

Oh my god please no.

"Don't even start, wing nut." I sighed. Dick and his dumb made up words. Itskindafunny BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT.

"Don't crash the mode, Red."

"I will shoot you." I deadpanned, trying hard to to laugh. I started to walk around the warehouse. Spotting a open trap door in the concrete, I head over to it.

"Someone's not feeling the aster..." Nightwing said back.

I slide down the latter, landing with a thud agasint the now dirt ground. Red lights shined around the area.

I didn't want to laugh- that would admit defeat- so I groaned loudly. I walked down the tunnels. How the heck do villains make all this stuff? Like, every freaking warehouse!

I make my way through the tunnel path until I find a open room with control panels and now concrete flooring and to many blinking lights.

Of course, Nightwing stood there typing away at the controls.

"How do you always do that?" I ask, annoyed.

The jerk smirked, before saying, "Big brothers secret, Little wing."

I roll my eyes under the helmet, although smirking. I think the jerk knows it too.


Nightwings POV

"I TOLD YOU, DON'T CRASH THE MODE, AND WHAT DO YOU DO? CRASH IT. CRASH IT HARD!" I yell, running for my life with Red Hood by my side.

"I thought it would be funny!"

"You threw A CAN OF BEANS at the GIANT MUTANT MONSTER ANIMALS! HOW THE HECK IS THAT FUNNY!?!?!" I about scream. My throat is getting kinda soar...

"How is it not!?" He yelled back.

We are both still running through the vast tunnels. The OPPOSITE direction from the exit! Why? Flippin Jason likes to be stupid.

"This is a disaster! Very heavy on the DIS!"

"Remind me to get you a dictionary!"

"You did! TWICE!"

After I said that, I can't help but laugh as I'm running for my literal life.


Third Person POV

The two bat brothers manage to escape...

Resulting in a swim in Gotham bay...

Nightwing had yelled "I'M VERY WEEEEEELMED!!" All the way down until hitting the dirty water.

Red Hood had just screamed. In a very Manley way of course(not).

The two boys currently laid on Gothams horrible sandy polluted beach. Both coughing up water while laughing.

Meanwhile, in the Bat Cave...

Batman sat in his chair, at the large computer screens. He had his head in his hands, thinking one thing...

Just why...

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