Chapter 4

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Hilbert: Tackle Tepig!

Hilda: counter with your Scalchop! 

Tepig charges at Oshawott and hits the scalchop as Oshawott defends himself harshly against the strong fire type. 

Hilbert: come on Tepig! just a little bit more and he is finished!

Hilda: keep him at bay Oshawott! 

The power struggle continues on and on with no clear winner. neither is able to overpower the other. 


Hilbert: retreat Tepig! 

Tepig then gives up and runs back from Oshawott.

Hilda: Oshawott, use your own tackle and chase him down! 

Oshawott then charges towards Tepig. 

Hilbert: Tail Whip! 

Hilda: oh no! stop Oshawott! 

but it is too late. Tepig's spinning tail hits Oshawott, canceling his tackle and making his defense go down. 

Hilbert: now Tackle! 

Tepig uses the momentum and charges at Oshawott, he hits the otter and sends it flying in the fence behind Hilda. 

Hilda: Oshawott! 

Oshawott is unable to battle as it lies there with swirls in its eyes. 

Hilda picks the otter up.

Hilda: you fought bravely, take a rest. 

Hilbert: here.

Hilda looks up and sees Hilbert offering her a potion. 

Hilda: thanks.

Hilda takes it and carefully sprays the liquid at Oshawott who slowly begins recovering.

Hilbert: thanks for the battle Hilda, up until now you are the best battler i have faced.

This time it is Hilda's turn to blush.

Hilda: i 

Hilbert: yup, unlike Bianca you weren't reckless only, you used strategy when you blocked Tepig's tackles, and you managed to hit Tepig after i was reckless. with amounts of training you will be much better.

Hilda: t.thanks Hilbert. 

Hilbert: now then, shouldn't we make a trip to Professor Juniper's lab? 

Hilda: i t.think we should. Bianca is over there and Cheren is waiting. 

Hilbert: lets go then. 

The two friends begins walking towards the lab. while walking Hilda carefully looks on her childhood friend, there is something special about him she thinks. like either his looks, or his personality that she has gotten to know over the years. Something is in the air.

The two reaches the lab and together with Bianca and Cheren they walk inside. there they find Professor Juniper to be waiting for them. 

Prof Juniper: hello dear children, welcome to my lab. i am

Cheren: professor Juniper, we already know.

Juniper: now now Cheren, you might be impatient but manners before wish. Like Cheren said, i am Professor Juniper. 

Hilbert: i think we all know what this here is. you are the professor of the Unova Region, there is in total seven regions but Unova is our home. so therefore can you please hop over the basics?

Juniper: well, if you all are as informed as Cheren and Hilbert i guess i can skip the basics. Now do you know why i gave you all a Pokemon?

Hilda: so we can begin our journey as Pokemon trainers? 

Juniper: correct Hilda, Now do you know what this is? 

Juniper holds up what appears to look like either a phone or a gameboy.

Hilbert: isn't that the Unova Pokedex?

Juniper: it is! and you do know what these does?

Hilbert: it gives us information about Pokemon, moves, things to do, general facts and all that stuff.

Juniper: now then, you all know how to catch Pokemon?

Bianca: catch them? you mean like almost kidnap them?! 

Cheren: no not like that Bianca. we use devices known as Pokeballs to catch Pokemon. are you going to give some to us so we can catch Pokemon ourselves?

Juniper: that is also correct Cheren. now then, i will give you all five pokeballs to use, the rest you have to buy in Pokemon centers.

Hilbert: well then, give em over. im pumped for the journey!

Juniper: patience Hilbert. i have them here. 

Juniper takes up a bag, she then hands the four trainers five pokeballs. 

Juniper: now then, before you go, will you do a request for me on your journeys?

Hilbert: sure.

Hilda: why not?

Cheren: fine.

Bianca: ok!

Juniper: on your journeys, could you try to fill the pokedex pages up? 

Hilbert: fine with me.

Hilda: me too.

Cheren: geeze ok.

Bianca: ok! 

Juniper: ok then. you are all ready for your journeys. be careful, and be safe.

The trainers walk out of the lab. 

Hilbert: ok then guys. i think this is where we split up. 

Cheren: yup, but we will run into each other. cause with four of us here there is no chance that we'll be able to advance so much more than the rest. 

Hilda: well then, we'll just have to be sure to stick with each other in times of need.

The four trainers makes a bro fist of four to signal that now, they are trainers. now they are ready. 

Wrapping up yet another chapter of Black and White Journeys. 

Hope the chapters aren't too boring to read. 

Have an awesome day next and stay tuned for more to come.


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