Chapter 15

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After returning the Pokemon to the girl, Hilbert and Hilda spends the rest of the day sparring against each other with their Pokemon, new and old. Both knows how to defeat the other, but not always how to use the right tactic to. 

The night begins reaching them and the two are exhausted, as are their Pokemon. 

Right now the two has returned three off their four Pokemon and are walking towards Nacrene City. 

The two reaches the mentioned destination and quickly books themselves a room, and weirdly enough they agree to still share room. 

Before bed time however, the two decides to eat supper(stupid word for eating in the evening/night). Hilbert picks out toast for himself while Hilda eats fruits. 

Hilbert: what a day.

Hilda: yup, so many things happening with us, im wondering if our journey actually will be as normal as my mom said. 

Hilbert: lets hope for the best. i for one have no problem with a little adventure that is not as the usual ones.

Hilda: you don't?

Hilbert: nope, cause look at it, the known champions and trainers didn't exactly have ordinary journeys, look at Red, a eleven year old who went on to defeat Team Rocket and then become the youngest champion of his time, then out of nowhere he disappears and was last seen when the champion of Johto and Kanto fought him on MT Silver, no one knows the outcome of the battle due to Red being silent while his challenger refused to say what happened. it is special to say the least.

Hilda: when you see it in that way i must say it is impressive. but how much do you know about Red? 

Hilbert: he is my idol to say the least, i even found out that he and his rival weren't the only one who left Pallet Town on a journey, a third trainer also left and made sure to remain hidden when Red got in the spotlight.

Hilda: wow, is it more?

Hilbert: well, i don't know exactly what she was named but her last name was Green, she wore a round hat with the colours of a Premier Ball. She was apparent to my sources the best childhood friend off Red, while the rival turned away from them the two stayed together. Where she went i don't know, but i can only hope for the best for the two. 

Hilda: wow, it would be exciting to meet the two, if they exist.

Hilbert: if they exist?

Hilda: aren't they just a rumour?

Hilbert: of course not! the two have lived and no one can tell me otherwise, Why do you think the champion of Kanto was so humiliated after being beaten by the same boy from Johto? because he lost the exact same way to Red. 

Hilda: ok ok, i take back what i said about rumors.

The two finishes up their food and walk into the booked room. 

Hilbert: if you need company, just wake me.

Hilda: wait! c.can we sleep t.together? last time?

Hilbert: you want to?

Hilda: i.i don't my sleeping capabilities. i w.want to be safe.

Hilbert: oh well, i'll keep you company to tomorrow. 

The two take turns in undressing to underwear, Hilbert's warmth is almost like a drug to Hilda. its wonderful in a lovely way. 

Once she lies down and goes closer to him the two begins blushing again. 

Hilbert: you w.want me to h.hold you?

Hilda: y.yes please.

Hilbert carefully wraps his arms around her and brings her closer to his warmth. 

Hilda: g.goodnight Hilbert.

Hilbert: g.goodnight Hilda. s.sweet dreams. 

The two slowly falls asleep in each others embrace. 

In the window, someone is watching them. 

???: sleeping together already, i knew she was a sl*t. 

The someone walks from the window and goes to Nacrene Museum. 

The Next Morning.

Our two friends have managed to get over the awkwardness of sleeping together. 

Right now the two eating breakfast. 

Hilbert got himself some pancakes while Hilda got toast with fruits. (never tried it and i don't think it tastes well either)

After being done the two wonders which move to do next.

Hilbert: we could go to the gym, or we could try and catch some pokemon and get a full team. 

Hilda: i guess we should find out what kind of Pokemon trainer the gym leader is. 

Hilbert: no need, i already know.

Hilda: oh, what type is he or she?

Hilbert: the gym leader is the head of the Nacrene Museum, and a normal type trainer.

Hilda: Normal?! we don't have any fighting Pokemon!

Hilbert: exactly, that is why i think we should look for some. 

Hilda: oh well, im in. lets go.

Hilbert: yup.

The two rises up from their seats and walks out. They breath in some air before walking from the town. However, when they pass the museum they hear something. 

???: there.

Both stops dead in their track, looks around before both sees where the voice came from. 

In the Museum opening stands N.

Wrapping up yet another chapter off this book. 

You may have seen it but im still mentioning it. i will not write this as a direct copy of the Black and White games, more or less because even though i love the games, there is certain things i don't like about it. so i write it in a way that makes it special(sort of)

Hope you have a great day next and stay tuned for more to come.

Till i see yall in the comments down below.


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