Chapter 22

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Hilbert and Hilda are walking on Skyarrow Bridge. Hilda is looking out in amazement on the places to see while Hilbert is trying to understand Hilda's action from yesterday where she pushed him down playfully. 

Hilda: look there Hilbert!

He turns and sees a boat coming along, he smiles at it due to how childish she can be sometimes. 

Hilbert: i see it. Unova does leave its mark when travelling through it. 

Hilda: sure does, especially when you can travel with someone and not alone. 

The two see the end of the bridge, they walk down and enters the vast city of Castelia. 

Hilbert: Castelia City, finally we're here. 

Hilda: it's so big! 

She is right, it is a huge city with skyscrapers and other stuff. People are all around, on the docks, in the buildings, on the streets and some are even on top off the building. 

Hilbert: where do we go first?

Hilda: i think we should book a room on the Pokemon Center, just to be sure. 

Hilbert: ok, and after we've done that should we have a taste off a Casteliacone?

Hilda: what is a Casteliacone? 

Hilbert: it is a famous ice cream that is rumoured to taste really good.


Hilbert chuckles at her.

Hilbert: but duties before ice cream Hilda.

Hilda: aw. 

The two friends hold hands yet again and walk towards the Pokemon Center. Hilbert books the two a room for their stay and Hilda then drags him to buy Casteliacones for the two. 

The two gets a vanilla cone, and Hilda's childish side comes to eye yet again. 


Hilbert licks his cone while watching his friend consume it like there is no tomorrow.



Hilbert: that is why i always eat calmly. take it easy next time Hilda.


Hilbert: here you can have mine. 

Hilda once again devours the ice cream, luckily without getting a brain freeze. 

Our friends decides to take a turn to the docks, just to watch the ocean. 

They reach the docks, Hilda suddenly decides to stand near the edge, making Hilbert giddy. Slowly he walks closer to her. 

Slowly he feels his heart begin to beat faster and faster, however he is fixated on Hilda who extremely close to fall. 


Hilda looses her balance!

Hilbert out of instinct wraps his arms around her waist and keeps her from falling. 

Hilda looks down and begins blushing on who caught her. 

Hilbert then slowly drags her from the edge, just so he has her where he wants her. 

Hilbert: you shouldn't be going on the edge. 

it is then that Hilbert realises what position the two are in. 

He is holding her by the waist!

He is about to let go off her, he fails however as she places her hands on his to keep them there. 

Hilbert then sees why, the sun is sliding up over the horizon. 

Without thinking he presses her closer to himself, making him feel whole. 

For Hilda's part she is relaxed in his arms, and with the sun coming up it makes the situation not that bad. 


??????: hey you two!

Hilbert freezes.

Hilbert's thoughts: why now? why now when i get such a moment?

He carefully turns the two around and sees Bianca coming towards them. however when she sees their situation she begins smiling uncontrollably. 

Bianca: i can see you two are enjoying yourselfs. 

This causes the two teens to move from each other with their cheeks lighting up like a christmas tree. 

Hilbert: B.Bianca, when did you get here?

Bianca: right now, and i found you two love birds with each other. 

Hilda's thoughts: curse you Bianca for ruining that perfect moment!

Hilbert: s.something you want Bianca?

Bianca: yes actually, i want to check the city out with Hilda, so let's go! 

Bianca grabs Hilda's hand and drags her from Hilbert who sadly watches his friend being dragged away from him. 

Hilbert: and there it goes, at the one moment i actually wanted to see if were real. 

Hilbert sighs and sits down on the edge of where Hilda almost fell down. 

Hilbert: what is it with her that makes her so attractive? 

Hilbert looks on the sun as it rises up. While watching he remembers memories from their childhood. The two were the best of friends people could have, no bad guys, only fun. And they would always share info and personal secrets, such as when Hilda's father died, it was Hilbert who comforted her to the best off his abilities. 

As for other special memories are when they met Pokemon for the first time, They got a visit from a group of Pokemon, Lillipup, two Patrats, one Blitzle and more. And what ensued was their most fun they ever had with animals. 

As Hilbert returns to the real world he gets up and walks to the Pokemon Center to simply wait for Hilda to return. 

Wrapping up yet another chapter. 

Black and White Journeys discontinuedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ