Chapter 9

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Hilbert has reached Striaton City. He sees people here are lively. He smiles at it, its typical Unova'n people to be like that. 

The first thing he does is heal his Pokemon at the Pokemon Center and eat lunch.  While eating he finds the Striaton Pokemon center to be alot more quiet than the one in Acumula Town. Nonetheless it is a good break from the noisy stuff going on.

After eating Hilbert rises up and walks out, he looks on the gym of the city. 

Hilbert: i know i'm a good battler, but i think some training will do me better. 

Hilbert walks right past the gym towards what is called the Dreamyard, there he battles several trainers, defeating them but Tepig still doesn't seem to get the much needed strength his trainer wants. 

Hilbert: hm, this might be bad. if Tepig doesn't have a boost against that gym leader. 

Kid: hey mister!

Hilbert: hm?

Kid: you should become a tacher at the trainers school!

Hilbert: a teacher? me? 

Kid: yea, you know alot of tricks and tactics, alot of others would be thrilled to learn from you!

Hilbert rises his eyebrow at the kid he defeated, but then something strikes him.

Hilbert: thanks for the tip kid, have a good day next.

Hilbert walks from the Dreamyard towards the trainers school. 

Hilbert enters and finds several students to be studying for a test, however there is one individuall up with the black board that interests him. 

Hilbert strides past a lot of students and reaches the one he was looking for. 

Hilbert: hi Cheren.

Cheren jumps a little and turns to Hilbert.

Cheren: oh hi Hilbert, how is it going so far?

Hilbert: going great, my team has become stronger.

Cheren: Nice, but say, could we have a battle? i want to test how items work in battle.

Hilbert: i was just going to ask about a battle, it will be some good exercise too.

Cheren: ok, show em what your made off Snivy!

Cheren throws out his Snivy. 

Hilbert: ok then, Lillipup, come on out!

Lillipup stretches up and eyes her opponent. 

Cheren: Snivy, Vine Whip! 

Hilbert: Vine Whip?!

Snivy extends two whips and slaps Lillipup.

Hilbert: don't allow much of it Lillipup, use Leer! 

Lillipup's eyes begin glowing red, then two copies begins flowing towards Snivy.

Cheren: counter with your own Leer!

Hilbert: now use Tackle!

the two Leer's cancel each other, however Lillipup suddendly comes from the Leer and slams into Snivy, sliding her opponent back a little. 

Cheren: use your own Tackle! 

Hilbert: Bite!

Snivy charges towards Lillipup who's teeth begin glowing. Lillipup jumps and the two collides with big damage. 

They bounce off each other and land back to their starting positions. 

Hilbert: Leer once again!

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