Chapter 5

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Hilbert: Tackle it down Tepig!

Tepig runs at the Lillipup they have found in the grass. Hilbert's goal is to build up a strong team of Pokemon who can become his partners and friends. his first target is the furry dog he has found. 

Tepig hits the Lillipup who tried to counter with a tackle of its own, but Tepig's strength proved to be a tiny bit much for the dog. And after launching it a bit up it falls down on its own head on the ground. 

Hilbert: ok, go Pokeball! 

Hilbert throws a pokeball towards Lillipup who gets sucked into the ball.

Hilbert: now to see if it stays there. 

One wiggle. 


Two wiggles.


Three wiggles.



Hilbert: and your mine. 

Hilbert picks up his new friend and releases her. 

Hilbert: hi Lillipup, im Hilbert and i want to become a strong trainer. but to do that i need help, can i trust you to help me while i train you to become stronger?

Lillipup happily jumps up and tackles Hilbert to the ground where she licks him all over his face.

Hilbert: wow little one, that tickles. 

?????: looks like you have no problem being on a journey.

Lillipup goes off Hilbert, Hilbert rises up and sees Hilda has found him. 

Hilbert: hi Hilda, how is the journey going for you?

Hilda: going good, i too caught a Lillipup.

Hilbert: wow really? 

Hilda: yup, but i kinda feel lonely without human company.

Hilbert: oh, may i be of service then?

Hilda: most certainly. 

Hilbert picks up Tepig while Lillipup has climbed on top of his cap and is relaxing there. 

Hilbert: next stop is Acumula Town, shall we go?

Hilda: sure. there is nothing of interest here anyway. 

The two friends begin a walk towards Acumula Town. While they walk and chat, Tepig looks from Hilbert to Hilda, even though he is a Pokemon he can feel the connection between them. he smiles while thinking about the possibilities that may surface.

The two reaches Acumula Town and walk to the Pokemon Center to heal up. 

While waiting the two takes a look around the center. It is filled with people and Pokemon. everything from Lillipups, Patrats, a Purrloin, Sandile and many many others. 

Hilbert: what do you think?

Hilda: hm? about what?

Hilbert: you know, now that we are on a journey, we're allowed basically to do as we wish, we won't ever have to return home for a boring life. 

Hilda: now that you mention it, it is true. but was it that horrible to be home?

Hilbert: maybe not for you, but for me it was torture.

Hilda: in what way?

Hilbert: my dad.

Hilda: oh, you're still thinking about him?

Hilbert: yes, and i can't get the feeling off being lonely when the guy disappears and never comes back, not even a letter he can send. its like he doesn't care one bit about us.

Hilda: Hilbert, your father had his reasons to leave, plus he also wanted to be a champion. just like you and me, he also wanted that glory of saying that he was champion.

Hilbert: maybe yes, but he didn't have to disappear without a trace. 

Hilda suddendly grabs his hands and holds onto them.

Hilda: Hilbert, i know you are sad and frustrated about him. but you have to let go off it. it isn't easy i know but if you keep bringing it up it will do bad things to you. it might blind you from what is important now. please show that you can be THE Hilbert from my childhood that i always loved to play with. 

Hilbert: ...

Hilbert is at a loss of words, these words was said to him by his grandmother the day before she died. and the fact that his childhood(and current) crush knows them makes it far more special than he had ever thought. 

Hilbert's hands intertwine with Hilda's without her noticing. she is far too occupied with looking him deeply in his eyes. those hazelnut brown eyes of the boy from her childhood. 

Hilbert: i.....i promise. 

Hilda: what?

Hilbert: *gulp* i promise to not hang in the past because of my father.

Hilda breathes out in relief, it is then that she notices that the two are holding hands. And that several other people have begun watching them. 

Slowly and awkwardly while blushing, Hilda lets go off Hilbert's hands. But she doesn't like it, she loved the feeling of holding his hand. 

Nurse Joy: Hilbert Black and Hilda White, your Pokemon has been restored to full health, please come and get them.

The two trainers come up to Nurse Joy, gets their pokeballs, thanks Nurse Joy for her work and walks out. 

Near the plaza people are beginning to gather around.

Hilbert: what is that?

Hilda: i don't know, lets check it out. 

The two walk closer towards the plaza and sees Cheren is among the crowd. 

Cheren: hey you two, come over.

Hilbert and Hilda makes their way through the crowd besides Cheren.

On the plaza stands several men looking like goons. They stand in a line like they are protecting something or someone. 

They then moves away, allowing people to see what is behind them. A man dressed in weird clothes comes up, his right eye has some sort of robotic equipement attached to it while the fans on the sides have a blue P on them.

???????: My name is Ghetsis. I am here representing Team Plasma. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to talk to you about Pokémon liberation.

Wrapping up yet another chapter of this book.

Hope this book is enjoyable so far. 

Have a great day next and stay tuned for more to come.


Black and White Journeys discontinuedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang