- 1 - Reunited

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The 3 ran away from the monster that was chasing them.
"HOW THE FRICK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW??!!!" 3 yelled as well.
"WOULD YOU TWO JUST SHUSH!" Lizzy yelled, keeping the boy's mouth shut. The thing that was chasing them eventually stopped and went the other way. SMG4 was the first to stop running and noticed this. He soon then pointed it out to the others. SMG3 took a breath, then looked around.
"Where are we even?" SMG3 asked. Lizzy took out her phone and raised it to the sky.
"In the middle of the Purple Soda Forest with a hint of a bear cave nearby," She said, pointing to the cave that was nearby. A shadowy figure came out from the cave entrance. SMG4 made a tiny, pathetic scream as he saw the figure and pointed to it. Lizzy looked at it and just stared in shock. SMG3 stood in front of his husband, protecting him from the figure. The figure poked their head out more, revealing their face.

"Guys?" They said.
"X?!" The 3 yelled. Another figure poked their head out as well.
"Wha?" They said.
"FM!" They cheered. SMG4 ran up to the 2 and bear hugged them to death.
"I missed you guys so much!" 4 said, tears pricking his eyes.
"Dude, we were gone for like 3 hours..." FM commented while X is chocking on air. SMG4 got out of the bear hug and so did the others.
"So what happened to you guys?" SMG3 asked, walking up to the group, Lizzy behind him.
"Well, we were all chilling at the MKM, or the mall and then Enzo started acting all weird," X replied.
"Enzo was with you guys?" Lizzy asked as FM nodded.
"He wanted to apologize for the old actions he caused," FM confirmed as Lizzy nodded.
"Continue..." SMG3 pushed as FM continued.
"Enzo started shaking like he had a coffee addiction. We asked what was wrong, he looked at us, and his eyes were bleeding. Like he just got stabbed, or something! We tried to back away and run out the door but someone who looked like all of us but had a more Halloween look to them stopped us. He had the exact same thing as Enzo running down his face. We managed to escape them, gladly, but we're hiding just in case they seem to have chased us down." FM said.

"Wow, yours is more complex than ours," SMG4 commented.
"How so?" X asked.
"So to sum it up, Peach was feeling sick, We made her soup, she melted before we got there, we ran for our lives, then something started chasing us, and now we're here." SMG3 summed up.
"Yours seems more complex," FM commented.
"Yeah, well, what do you expect? Some lazy-ass adventure that lasts 2 hours? Pass." SMG3 replied.
"Well, before that monstrous thing comes back, you might as well come in for hiding." X offered, which the 3 accepted and headed in the cave, FM followed behind. X scoped the area and followed the 4.

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