Ch 18 PT1

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Thank you all for being patient with these sparse adds. Lol. I'm trying to end this soon so I can start a new one. Also, I'm proud to say I won 2nd place in my category of the OVSO Awards. Thank you all who voted or nominated me! 😘

Enjoy the add!!!!

Day 192

A day turned into a week.

A week turned into two.

Two weeks became a month.

It's been longer than that now...I think. Days are starting to run together. So much so, I don't even know what day it is. I just want things back to normal, whatever that was, before this happened.

Cliche' as it sounds, I feel like I've lost my best friend. I have really. He won't speak to me at all. And all because I won't be with him, officially...because I won't say I love him back.

That's so unfair! He doesn't understand. Doesn't want to see that...I'm scared. Actually, he knows that's why I won't say it back. It doesn't change the fact though...even though I love him too.

Yes...I do love him!

Will I ever tell Tripp? I guess time will tell.

Who knows...I might say it before I think I'm ready to and things will work out and fall into places, like they do in those romance novels.

Did I really just compare the development of our love like people in a book? Now that's cliche'!

Don't mind me. My mind is all over the place right now from this medicine these doctors have me doped up on. But as soon as it wears out of my system, and my hands aren't tied to this bed for more than 1 out of 24 hours of a day, I'll be able to convey more accurately...I hope...

Tripp wiped a weary hand down his face. He was tired, worried, frustrated. And beyond confused! The last 37 hours had been a whirlwind. He had pretty much pieced it all together but to say he was still dumbfounded would be the understatement of the century.

He looked up as his sister, NaKia walked into the waiting area with a cup of coffee. She sighed looking at her sibling. Tripp looked worn out. His hair was a mess from the pulling and rubbing in it. He slightly smelled, having not taking a shower in almost two days. He look like he would fall over from sleep deprivation as well, but he refused to leave.

Tripp wanted to be there when Ivi woke up, and was allowed to have visitors.

"You won't be any good to Ivi this way Tripp. She's fine right now. The doctor's promised that once she wakes up and they get her settled they would..." NaKia said but was cut off mid sentence.

"Man you know I ain't trying to hear all that shit right now." he said, waving her off.

NaKia look straightway at Tripp. "You know Ivi wouldn't want you to be spending your birthday like this.."

"Trust me. This is not how I planned on spending my birthday." Tripp said with a dry chuckle. NaKia could hear in his voice there was more in that statement he didn't say with words. Prior to him and Ivi not speaking, he must have planned something really..important, from the way he was talking.

Kia wasn't sure exactly what that was, however. She just hoped it wasn't what she thought it was.

"Everybody should be back up here in the morning. Maybe they could relieve you so you can..."

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